Research in a Nutshell, Winter 2023

A Message from the Editorial Team

Welcome to the winter edition of RiaN! We are happy to celebrate researchers in our Faculty of Education. In this issue, Sara examines the importance of historical empathy, Panayiotes discusses the relevance to Marshall McLuhan's mosaic method, Kristin addresses the issue of agricultural literacy and Emma conceptualises the importance of prosocial and antisocial behaviours in the kindergarten classroom.

Paisley Worthington, Roxolana Marmash, Uvini Colonne Appuhamilage and Ikeoluwapo B. Baruwa

Making the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action more accessible to younger learners

Book cover of Answering the Calls: A Child's View of the 94 Calls to Action with an illustration of children holding hands near a tree.Elementary teacher Jacqueline (Jackie) Cleave, ConEd'86, says her recent visit to Quebec City to accept the Governor General’s History Award evoked mixed feelings - both fascination and unease “to be in a setting that was very foundational to the whole colonial process.”

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