Multi-Session Programs

Our multi-session programs are delivered in a blended format that is designed to allow teacher candidates to continue working throughout the program. The programs are delivered over 6 terms – some online, some in person, and some at Queen's Univeristy in Kingston, Ontario. The in-person weekend component takes place in different locations across Ontario for each program.

Multi-session programs are geared toward those that currently have a qualifying teaching position or are seeking one (e.g., unqualified teacher, teacher on a letter of permission). The programs are intended to support school boards in addressing the need for qualified teachers in these subject areas. The hope is that eligible candidates qualify for the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration (MTCQR) and then, with Faculty of Education approval, complete practicum requirements while working in an Ontario classroom. You will gain valuable practical and paid experience in instructional settings that are aligned with the areas of concentration in your program of professional education.

Multi-Session Programs

Indigenous Teacher Education (Community-Based)

The Indigenous Teacher Education Community-Based Program (ITEP CB) provides an opportunity to specialize in Indigenous education and attend classes at Queen's University for one summer session and in communites for the remainder of the program.

ITEP Community-Based

Primary-Junior French as a Second Language Multi-Session Program

Primary-Junior French as a Second Language (FSLM) is designed for teacher candidates that are interested in teaching Immersion, Core or Extended French.


Technological Education Multi-Session

The Technological Education Multi-Session Program (TEMS) prepares applicants with wage-earning experience including business or industrial experience in a broad-based technology area to teach grades 9-12.