Our fully online, part-time, asynchronous Professional Master of Education (PME) program is designed for educators and other professionals who want to take their career to the next level.
The PME program attracts students from a variety of settings—schools, governments, universities, professions, and people in career transitions—enriching everyone's experience. In the PME program, you complete 10 online courses, including a Capstone course with a self-directed project to explore current and personally relevant educational issues and challenges, to earn your degree.
Program Structure
The PME program offers a flexible approach to post-graduate studies in education. All PME courses run asynchronously online, which means you can participate from anywhere in the world without disrupting your busy schedules.
Students enrolled in the PME program must complete a total of 10 graduate courses - 5 required and 5 elective.
- Courses do not need to be taken in a specific order, although we recommend taking PME 894 (Introduction to Educational Fieldwork) as your fourth or fifth course in the program and PME 896 (Capstone) as one of your final courses.
- You choose a concentration: Assessment & Evaluation, Classroom Specialist, Educational Administration, Global Education, Indigenous Education, and Literacy Education.
- Courses are 10 weeks in Fall and Winter and 7 weeks in Spring and Summer.
- You can estimate about 7-10 hours a week per course.
- Each course is 3.0 units/credits.
- Current course descriptions
Join us for a Webinar
Want to learn more about our programs?
- Online - Wednesday, April 16, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST
- Online - Monday, May 5, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
- Online - Friday, June 13, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
There are many ways to complete your PME degree:
- Enroll directly into the PME
- Enroll in the Graduate Diploma in Education (GDE) program first, then continue with the PME program
- Complete a Post-Graduate Certificate and then enroll into the PME
- Complete a Post-Graduate Certificate and then enroll in the GDE followed by the PME
Learn more about the laddering route.
How to Apply
Applications to all graduate programs are made through the School of Graduate Studies website.
Note: The application for admission is used for all graduate programs at Queen’s University so you will notice that reference is often made to your research interests. Since you are applying for admission to a professional program, please relate your comments in these areas to your professional aspirations rather than to research.
Two Professional letters of recommendation (e.g. letters from an employer or workplace supervisor) can be submitted in support of applications to professional graduate programs. For applicants who apply to a professional graduate program, a Professional reference form will be generated for their referees. Academic references are also acceptable.
Referees are notified that you want them to provide a reference for you by email after you have submitted your application, so please submit your application at least one week before the application deadline and be sure to include the correct email addresses of your referees. Applications will not be deemed complete and will not be reviewed by the admissions committee until all listed references are received.
In addition to the online application and application fee, applicants are required to submit an official transcript (envelopes from the institution cannot be opened) from all universities you have attended except for Queen's. Transcripts sent from the issuing university should be sent to:
School of Graduate Studies Queen's University
Gordon Hall Room 425
74 Union Street
Kingston, Ontario Canada K7L 3N6
If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Studies & Research Office.
The admission requirements are:
- A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university
- Graduation with a B- graduating average or higher (70% graduating average or a ranking in the top third of the graduating class where number grades are not available)
- Under exceptional circumstances, consideration will be given to highly motivated individuals with relevant field experience who do not meet the B- requirement
- Applicants whose native languages do not include English must obtain a minimum English language requirement of 580 or higher on the paper-based TOEFL exam; 237 Computer-based; 88 on the TOEFL iBT test or IELTS Band 7 or higher
There is a non-refundable application fee of $120.00 payable to the School of Graduate Studies. There are no registration fees, as students pay per course. Canadian students pay $1,253.70 per course, and international students pay $2,918.70 per course. There is also a Student Assistance Levy of $16.67 per term. All fees are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Please refer to the Office of the University Registrar website for the most up-to-date fee schedule.
Application Deadline & Fees
- September start - Application deadline: April 1
- January start - Application deadline: August 1
- July start - Application deadline: February 1
These deadlines are firm and include the submission of all supporting documentation (transcripts and references).
The PME program requires 2 references to be submitted. Current academic or professional references are welcome, and we will accept any combination of the two. If you have been out of school for over 5 years, we will accept 2 professional references. In all cases, the information in recommendations should relate to the prospective student's ability to undertake the work in the PME program. Photocopied or 'stale' letters (dated more than one year prior to the application deadline) are unacceptable.
What does a professional reference mean?
A professional letter of recommendation should be a letter from an employer or workplace supervisor. The reference cannot be from a colleague but should be someone to whom you report.
How will the references be contacted?
When compiling your online application, you will enter the names and email addresses of your two references. Upon submitting your application, your references will be emailed a link to complete a secure online reference form. It is important to submit your application at least a week before the application deadline to ensure that your references have sufficient time to submit their recommendation. If your reference did not receive the link, please have them check their junk folder or contact sgsapp@queensu.ca.
The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (SGSPA) will accept e-transcripts if they are generated and sent directly by the issuing university to sgspa.reception@queensu.ca or by fax to 1-613-533-6015. Parties should understand that official hard copy transcripts will still be required, eventually. For more information, please see their website.
I was a student at Queen's previously. Will the university access my Queen's transcripts internally?
If you are a Queen's University alumnus, there is no need to provide or upload Queen's transcripts to your application.
Do I need a BEd to apply?
A BEd is not a requirement to apply to the PME programs. A three-year baccalaureate degree is required from a recognized university.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
Please email us at edonline@queensu.ca for questions regarding the program or application.
What is the difference between the MEd and PME?
The PME is course-based and focused on the practical application of theory to professional practice. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD, the MEd is a better option as it provides you with the necessary research background. If you are looking to increase your professional credentials and working knowledge of theory, the PME is a great fit.
Professional Master of Education (course-based program) |
Master of Education (research-based program) |
Study Status |
Part-time only |
Full-time or Part-time |
Delivery |
100% Online |
On-campus |
Designation | PME | MEd |
Accredited Master's Program |
Yes | Yes |
Funding eligible |
No | Yes |
OSAP eligible |
No | Yes |
Number of Courses |
10 courses at 3.0 units each (30 credit units) |
Two degree patterns are available: Pattern 1: Six courses and a thesis + defense Pattern 2: Eight courses and a project |
Flexibility |
Yes, students can take terms inactive if needed. New incoming students must take a course in their first term. |
Students must be enrolled in a course each term until completion. |
Thesis or Project Requirement |
No | Yes |
Average Completion Time |
The average time to completion is 2 years up to a maximum of 5 years. |
Full-time students are expected to complete within 5 terms. |
Is the PME program intended for teachers?
While our online graduate programs attract many teachers and education administrators, they also draw professionals from other sectors. Professionals who have education and leadership responsibilities and wish to improve their professional practice come to the program from health sciences, engineering, business, social services, and the military.
How long will the PME take to complete?
The PME requires 10 courses for completion. There are 4 instructional terms per year: Fall (September to November) and Winter (January to March), which are 10-week courses, as well as Spring (May to June) and Summer (July to August), which are 7-week courses. The university operates on a 3-term academic year, and thus all courses taken in Spring will fall under the Summer term umbrella. We advise students to start by taking 1 course to get a feel for the workload and then add on from there. Most students take 1 - 2 courses per term and finish around the 2-year mark. Students have up to 5 years to complete the PME program.
What is the course load like?
The PME is designed for flexible part-time studies. Also, note that this program is asynchronous, meaning there is no requirement to attend lectures or be online at a certain time, so you can arrange your coursework around your professional and personal schedule. You receive all course materials and due dates on the first day of the course, so you know what is coming and can manage your time accordingly. Students who have successfully completed our program typically spend anywhere from 2-10 hours per week per course, depending on educational background and understanding of course material and the demands of an assignment or project.
What does a typical course look like?
All PME course content emphasizes connections between educational theory, research, and practice and provides students with opportunities to apply their learning in meaningful and relevant ways. PME courses are broken into modules, each lasting 1-2 weeks and focusing on a particular theme. Within each module, there are typically a few discussion posts (posting your thoughts on the course material and responding to your peers) and one short authentic assignment (e.g., blog post, PowerPoint slides, brief video, 1-2 page position paper, or mind map). Some courses have fewer short assignments in favour of one or two larger assignments (e.g., case study, multimedia project, book review, professional resource, or professional inquiry project), and vice-versa.
Does the cost of tuition include textbooks?
The cost of tuition does not include any textbooks. Most courses do not require you to purchase a textbook.
Will the PME fulfill the requirements for becoming a principal in Canada?
Please review your current provincial and school board requirements for principal qualifications.
Will the MEd or PME give me certification to teach in Ontario K-12 schools?
No, to gain certification to teach in Ontario, you must successfully complete a BEd program, and then be approved for certification to teach through the Ontario College of Teachers.
Graduates from our PME program normally receive higher teaching certification levels and increased salaries. Please check with your Board/Employer for details.
What are the career options for someone taking the PME?
Graduates from our PME program receive higher teaching certification levels and take on careers in the following areas:
- School Principals
- Educational Administrators or Consultants
- Curriculum Developers or Specialists
- School or Career Counsellor
- Corporate Training and Development
- Educational Policy Developer
- Leadership positions within the government, social services, engineering, business, health sciences, and the military
Ladder your Credentials
Applicants to the Professional Master of Education (PME) program who have completed a post-graduate certificate through Queen's Continuing Teacher Education (CTE) or Professional Studies (PS) and the Graduate Diploma in Education (GDE) as part of the laddering option (formerly known as SAGE) qualify for advanced standing in GDE/PME 811 (Innovation in Teaching and Learning), which is 1 elective course out of the 5 courses needed to complete the degree. With advanced standing, students only complete 2 required courses and 2 elective courses to earn the Professional Master of Education degree.
Required Courses (5)
PME students choose one of the following Concentrations and take all 3 courses in their chosen Concentration:
Assessment & Evaluation
In the Assessment & Evaluation concentration, students explore how various data sources can be used systematically to inform learning and improvement efforts in classrooms, schools, systems, programs, and organizations. Students completing this specialization gain an appreciation of quality assessment and evaluation as the foundation for meaningful evidence-informed decision-making and develop practical skills that can be applied across diverse professional contexts. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 826 Using Classroom and Large-Scale Assessment Data
- GDE/PME 827 Planning and Implementing Classroom Assessment
- GDE/PME 828 Conducting Quality Program Evaluations
Classroom Specialist
In the Classroom Specialist concentration, students explore and develop innovative curriculum practices intended to support integrated and authentic learning within and beyond the classroom. Students completing this specialization gain a greater appreciation for their role as creators and facilitators of learning experiences as well as the philosophical underpinnings guiding their decision-making practices within the classroom. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 831 Innovative Curriculum Planning
- GDE/PME 832 The Connected Classroom
- GDE/PME 833 Supporting Innovative Thinking
Educational Administration
In the Educational Administration concentration, students explore change management in educational organizations and the impacts of funding models, policy, and politics on educational administrators and stakeholders. Students completing this specialization develop an appreciation for evidence-informed administrative decision-making that supports student, institution, and community success and well-being. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 861 Change Management in Educational Organizations
- GDE/PME 862 Finance and Budgeting in Public Service Sectors
- GDE/PME 863 Equity-Focused School Leadership
Global Education
In the Global Education concentration, students take an in-depth look at the community and climate of international education. Students completing this specialization gain a greater appreciation for the many voices and stakeholders at play when education attempts to meet the needs of a global community. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 851 Creating Connection in Culturally Diverse Schools
- GDE/PME 852 International Education in a Globalized World
- GDE/PME 853 The Business of International Education
Indigenous Education
In the Indigenous Education concentration, students explore Indigenous approaches to education, leadership, and knowledge; the history of Indigenous education policy; models for Indigenous education in Canada; and the diversity of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Students completing this specialization gain greater cultural awareness and appreciation, develop an understanding of the need to decolonize pedagogy, adopt policies that build towards education for reconciliation, and acquire Indigenous language teaching methodologies. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 820 Indigenous Leadership and Knowledge
- GDE/PME 821 Policy and Models in Canadian Indigenous Education
- GDE/PME 822 Indigenous Languages and Language Teaching
Literacy Education
In the Literacy Education concentration, students explore literacy development theories, components of literacy, and research-based literacy interventions. Students completing this specialization develop an in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of instructional leaders in literacy, how literacy interventions can be implemented to meet a diverse range of student needs, and how the success of these interventions is measured. The courses in this concentration are:
- GDE/PME 841 Critical Foundations of Literacy
- GDE/PME 842 Literacy Development
- GDE/PME 843 Effective Intervention
PME students also take the following 2 required courses:
- PME 894 Introduction to Educational Fieldwork (prerequisite for PME 896 and typically one of your first five courses in the program)
- PME 896 Capstone (typically one of your final courses in the program)
Elective Courses (5)
Students choose 5 elective courses from the following list:
- GDE/PME 800 Self-Regulated Inquiry and Learning
- GDE/PME 801 Cultivating Creativity
- GDE/PME 803 Organizational Leadership (recommended for Educational Administration Concentration)
- GDE/PME 810 Integrated Planning, Instruction, and Assessment
- GDE/PME 811 Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- GDE/PME 813 Knowledge Translation and Mobilization
- GDE/PME 815 Digital Literacy
- PME 878 Experiential Practice in Education
- Up to 5 courses outside their chosen Concentration (see Required Courses section above)