Queen's University provides many services to our students including Academic Supports, Health & Wellness, and Student Life services. For more details about the types of support available at the Faculty of Education contact the Student Services Office at Duncan McArthur Hall, Room A112.

Financial Resources
Managing your finances can be overwhelming. The resources and services outlined below can provide emotional and practical support to push through these difficulties and assist you in a variety of ways.
Students experiencing financial hardship can reach out to Queen’s Financial Aid and Awards to set up free financial advising appointments via an online booking system: Registrar and Financial Aid Services website.
Queen’s Bursaries
Information is available on the Student Awards site regarding the general bursary, scholarships and awards, work study, and other financial aid. If you find this a lot to navigate, as noted above, you can book a student financial advising appointment.
Graduate Student Resources
- School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Support has information about graduate student support on the SGS Funding webpage.
- The Society of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) has financial assistance available.
Indigenous Student Support
- Four Directions has an Emergency Bursary and needs-based assistance available.
- Bursaries, scholarships, and awards are available through Indspire for Indigenous students.
- Dreamcatchers provides some funding assistance for Indigenous students.
- First Nations offer employment and training support.
- The Ontario Indigenous Travel Grant can assist you with the cost of travelling between your remote First Nations community to the postsecondary school you are attending.
- Kagita Mikam has a Kingston office and helps the recruitment, training and employment for Indigenous people.
- The Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association awards the Kathleen Blinkhorn Indigenous Student Scholarship which supports Aboriginal students living in non-profit.
AMS Student Experience Bursary
The purpose of the Student Experience Bursary is to enhance the financial accessibility of events run by AMS-ratified clubs or Faculty Societies for all AMS members. The bursary is designed to subsidize, partially or in full, fees required for events where a student would otherwise be unable to participate for reasons relating to financial hardship.
Food Access Resources
Student Affairs provides a comprehensive list of food access resources both on campus and in the Kingston community.
Faith and Spiritual Life Office
Faith and Spiritual Life offers multi-faith, non-judgemental support for religious, spiritual, personal, and financial problems, concerns, or crises.
The Ban Righ Centre
The Ban Righ Centre provides financial and advising services for mothers and other women returning to their studies, including undergraduate, graduate, professional, domestic, immigrant, and international women students. They also offer a free soup lunch to students who visit the Centre and can help access other food assistance on campus and in the community, including Swipe it Forward, the AMS Food Bank, the Queen’s Good Times Diner, and various community resources. Needs-based assistance is available to registered mature women students throughout the academic year.
Gender and Sexual Diversity Resources
Transgender and/or Gender-Nonconforming Teacher Candidates FAQs
As part of Dr. Lee Airton's research into supporting Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Teacher Candidates, they have created a Frequently Asked Questions document that details navigating different aspects of the Bachelor of Education program at the Faculty of Education.
Queen’s Human Rights and Equity Offices
Focus: Provides confidential advice to Queen’s community members on human rights issues and offers a variety of educational programming.
Email: hrights@queensu.ca
Phone: 613-533-6886 (HRO) | 613-533- 2563
Education on Queer Issues Pro (EQuIP)
Focus: EQuIP “seeks to create a safer environment for individuals at Queen’s and in Kingston of all sexualities and gender identities. EQuIP strives to create a fun, welcoming, and educational community for queer and queer-positive individuals while advocating for human rights and raising awareness about queer-related issues”. This group serves Queen’s students as well as the wider Kingston community.
Email: equip@ams.queensu.ca | Phone: 613-533-3154
Sexual Health Resource Centre (SHRC)
Focus: Specialized information and referral service regarding issues of sex, sexuality, and sexual health. Nonjudgmental and confidential, pro-choice, feminist, positive space, non-heterosexist, lending library discussing various subject matters relating to sex and sexuality as well as pamphlets available for pick up, location in JDUC (main campus) sells different sexual health and pleasure products, and serves as a confidential resource for those in need of immediate support.
Phone: 613-533-2959 Check Facebook page for hours of operation (varies)
Levana Gender Advocacy Centre
Focus: A student-funded Queen’s University organization committed to creating and nurturing a radical community of Kingston students and residents. Devoted to fighting gender oppression and advocating for broad ideas of gender empowerment for those of any or no gender, Levana operates on anti-oppressive practices. Open to all residents of Kingston, and offers a lending library free of charge”.
Email: levanacentre@gmail.com
Phone: 613-533-2963
Yellow House
Focus: The Yellow House is a safe, comfortable and accountable space for queer, racialized and marginalized students to create community, to feel empowered, to empower others, to celebrate and to honour their histories. We seek to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist and colonial ideologies and practices.
Queen’s Faculty of Education Genders and Sexualities Alliance
Focus: The Faculty of Education Genders and Sexualities Alliance brings together gender and sexual minority students, faculty and allies to hang out and do cool things together. Open to all! For more resources, please visit: educ.queensu.ca/gsa
Teacher Candidates of Colour
Teacher Candidates of Colour is a group dedicated to informing teacher candidates on topics of culturally responsive teaching and providing a safe space for teacher candidates of colour.
Email: tcc@clubs.queensu.ca
Faculty Liaison: alana.butler@queensu.ca
Indigenous Teacher Education Program Office
The Indigenous Teacher Education Program Office provides administrative, academic and cultural support for our ITEP campus and community-based teacher candidates (Manitoulin North-Shore Region, Lambton-Kent Region, and Mushkegowuk Territory), Faculty of Education students, faculty and staff, and the greater Queen's and Kingston community.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Committee
The purpose of the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization (EDID) Committee at the Faculty of Education is to cultivate an inclusive community; create welcoming classrooms and social spaces for all students, faculty, and staff; ensure equitable and inclusive policies, processes, curriculum, and events; and support marketing, recruitment, and retention initiatives that enhance a diverse teaching and learning community at the Faculty. The EDID Committee is a central point of contact for EDID concerns and supports and advocates for systemic change for students, faculty, and staff. Concerns and issues may be brought to the EDID Committee if they are systemic in nature. For other concerns, the EDID can make referrals to the correct resource.
EDI Coordinator
Dr. Alana Butler began her role as the inaugural EDI Coordinator for the Faculty of Education on May 1, 2021. This role brings guidance and leadership to our students, faculty, and staff as we work to create an inclusive and supportive working, learning, and research community.
The EDI Coordinator:
- Provides leadership and guidance on EDI-related issues across the Faculty
- Provides one-on-one advice and guidance to Faculty of Education students navigating EDI-related issues at Queen’s (TCs, and graduate students in various roles, e.g. TA/GTF positions, RAs)
- Works with instructors on EDI infusion within courses, including developing resources and making referrals to other services and training at CTL, HREO, etc.
Both the Coordinator and the EDI Committee provide support to students, faculty, and staff. Individuals can contact Dr. Butler (alana.butler@queensu.ca) or EDI Committee co-chairs Dr. Claire Ahn (claire.ahn@queensu.ca) or Becca Carnevale (rebecca.carnevale@queensu.ca) through direct email or the anonymous online form. The Committee is not equipped to respond to individual complaints regarding racism, assault, or specific incidents faced by individuals, but can make referrals to additional supports and resources, including the Human Rights and Equity Office and other services at Queen’s.
Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre
146 Barrie Street
A home away from home for Queen’s Indigenous community. The centre’s programs include 1:1 advising, personal support and counselling, cultural workshops, elder services, traditional teachings and ceremonies, a lounge, library, laundry, kitchen, feasts and a Supporting Indigenous Graduate Enhancement pod.
If you are experiencing an EDID-related issue in the classroom or within the Faculty, please follow the process outlined below.
STEP 1: If possible, and you are comfortable, bring the issue to your professor or course instructor.
If Step 1 does not resolve the concern, then:
STEP 2: Contact Stephen Sliwa, Executive Program Director, Teacher Education Program.
If Step 2 does not resolve the concern, then:
STEP 3: Reach out to the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator Tracy-Ann Johnson-Myers.
If Step 3 does not resolve the concern, then:
STEP 4: Contact edudeans@queensu.ca to schedule a meeting with Associate Dean, Peter Chin
If Step 4 does not resolve the concern, then:
STEP 5: Reach out to the Queen’s University Human Rights Advisory Service at hrights@queensu.ca to book an appointment with an advisor.
Other places to go for support:
- EDID Committee co-chairs Pamela Serff or Jamie Kincaid by email.
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Services.
- Student Wellness Services: book a same-day appointment directly through their website.
- Student groups within the Faculty: Genders and Sexualities Alliance and Teacher Candidates of Colour
Please see the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy for a definition of terms.
Student Life
Ban Righ Centre
32 Bader Lane
The centre welcomes women of diverse backgrounds and all ages, especially those returning to university after a time away, and offers community, personal, practical and financial support.
Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre
146 Barrie Street
A home away from home for Queen’s Indigenous community. The centre’s programs include 1:1 advising, personal support and counselling, cultural workshops, elder services, traditional teachings and ceremonies, a lounge, library, laundry, kitchen, feasts and a Supporting Indigenous Graduate Enhancement pod.
Yellow House
140 Stuart Street
Yellow House is a safe, comfortable and accountable space for queer, racialized, and marginalized students to create community, to feel empowered, to empower others, to celebrate and to honour their histories. Yellow House seeks to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist and colonial ideologies and practices.
Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC)
JDUC, Room 111, 87 Union St.
The centre provides an informal gathering place for the international members of the Queen’s community to network and receive non-academic advice. Supports and programs are offered to students interested in internationalizing their education on campus or through study, work or travel abroad.
West Campus Information
You can pay for parking by using the Honk smart phone app. The rates (as of Nov. 2022) are $2.00 per hour or $10 for the day (subject to change - please check the app for the most up-to-date information). You can pay via the Honk app to park in any of the lots around Duncan McArthur Hall. The parking lot is regularly monitored and parking tickets are issued. Once you receive a ticket, the Faculty has no means of waving it and cannot pay the fine for you. Parking permits are not required after 5 pm or on weekends.
Teacher Candidate Parking Pass
This is an exclusive offer for teacher candidates (Consecutive BEd, DipEd and final year Concurrent) only. Permit holders can use this permit to park behind Duncan McArthur Hall in the paved lots (not the gravel lots at Richardson Stadium).
- You can find current rates on the Queen's Parking Services website, look under West Campus, Education Students
- Questions? Contact Queen's Parking Services: parking@queensu.ca.
This special permit agreement provides the convenience of only paying for parking during scheduled classes (no payment is taken for teaching placement weeks).
Duncan McArthur Hall Parking Map
Quiet Space
A quiet space (A311) is available where students and staff can take time for reflection, meditation, and prayer to empower them in their daily life.
Resources for housing:
- Queen's Community Housing - University-owned off-campus rental property information as well as a Queen's owned accommodation listing service.
- Student Community Relations Office - Provides guidance and advice about living in the Kingston community, including information about housing, leases, insurance, moving in and out and neighbour issues.
- Summer Term Main Campus Residence Rentals - you can rent rooms on main campus - about a 15 minute walk from west campus - during the summer term.
- Queen's University Off Campus Housing Facebook Group - a popular way to find roommates or subleases - particularly over the summer.
- Rentals.ca - a Canadian rental website.
During the school year, Jean Royce Dining Hall is open - the building is attached to McArthur Hall. Within Duncan McArthur Hall, there are vending machines and microwaves available for student use.
Short walks from MacArthur Hall:
- Bearance's Grocery (5 minute walk) - has various groceries along with a deli counter that sells freshly made sandwiches
- Juniper Cafe (15 minute walk) - has coffee, lunch options and baked goods
- Subway (10 minute walk)
- Tim Horton's (10 minute walk)