Queen’s Faculty of Education takes great pride in our accomplished, progressive, and innovative alumni community. Our graduates span the globe working as teachers, administrators, and leaders in education.
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Find out what is happening with other Faculty of Education Alumni from around the world. We would love to hear about your stories – email edalumni@queensu.ca.
Community Initiatives Fund
Programs supported by the Community Initiatives Fund connect the expertise, passion, and innovation at the Faculty with educators and students in schools and communities. Your donation to the Community Initiatives Fund means more resources for teachers and more supports for youth to create a brighter future in their communities.

Youth Forum
The Youth Forum will be re-launched in 2023 after a COVID-imposed hiatus. This program relies on the Community Initiatives fund to support young people working to make a difference in their communities.

Anti-Racism and Diversity Resources
The Anti-Racism and Diversity Resources bring lesson plans and resources to teachers working in schools. This has been curated and recommended by our faculty with expertise in anti-racism education. The Community Initiatives Fund supports the development and promotion of resources like this.
Accessibilities and Ableism Sub-committee
The Accessibilities and Ableism Awareness sub-committee of the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization committee works to promote inclusion for individuals with disabilities at the Faculty of Education and within the greater Kingston community. The sub-committee is responsible for promoting awareness of pertinent issues and advocating for policies and practices that facilitate full access and inclusion for individuals with diverse strengths and needs.
Teaching Excellence Fund
Teaching Excellence brings innovative programming, workshops, and training to our teacher candidates, supports annual student initiatives such as the Queen's Conference on Education (organized by Concurrent Education Students Association), and supports events and training opportunities such as TRIBES and equity and social justice workshops.
300+ students attend the Queen's Conference on Education
20 future teachers attended the Tribes training to learn how to build collaborative and academic skills to create a caring, active, and student-centered classrooms.
65 teacher candidates participated in equity and social justice workshops
I heard about Tribes training for years and always wanted to participate but cost was a barrier. I was fortunate enough to get to attend a Tribes workshop thanks to funding that made this weekend of training free. This experience was invaluable to my future teaching because it provided me with useful tools and strategies to create community in the classroom and beyond.
Emily MacDonald, BEd’08
Indigenous Initiatives Fund
The Indigenous Initiatives Fund enriches Indigenous teaching and learning programs in our Faculty. Contributions to this fund support our Elder-in-Residence position, curriculum research, cultural programming for the Master of Education in World Indigenous Studies in Education (WISE) and the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP) including Mshkiki Gitigan - Onónhkwa Nikahehtó:ten (Sacred Medicine Garden).
Top 50 Influential Alumni in 50 Years
The Top 50 Influential Alumni in 50 Years is a celebration of the leadership and accomplishments of Queen’s Faculty of Education alumni across the globe. See who made the list here.
Stay in touch
We love hearing from Alumni, and have many ways for you to be involved and keep in touch with what is happening at the Faculty. Read about and share research, ideas and knowledge in our Knowledge Forum, listen to or participate in our podcast Popular Podagogy, or share your story with us for Alumni News!
Our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) Vision - Onkwá:wen ne Sha’taiá:wen’ne, Nia’té:kon, tánon Ia’tehontiéston (EDI) Nahò:ten Iakwéhre
Our vision is to be a leader in the educational landscape, recognized for our commitment to teaching, international initiatives, innovative programs, and influential research. We strive to address the impact of issues of race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, ability, age, religion, and other social identity markers, in all spheres of the academic community. We strive to ensure that our leadership is inclusive and representative of the communities that we serve. We seek to employ an EDI lens in the areas of teaching and research, living and learning communities and academic workplaces. To read the entire EDI Vision Statement visit the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee’s webpage.
Ne iakwéhre í:i aiakwáhente tsi nonkwá:ti ne ronteweiénstha ashakotirihón:nien, ahatiién:tere’ne tsi ionkwahrharátston aiakhirihón:nien ne tsik nonwéhshon ionkhiiaten’nikonhrá:wi, orihwase’shón:’a aiakwátste tánon ne iorihowá:nens ionkwaweientehtá:on. Ionkwahskéhnhen aiakwatharáhkwe tsi neniáwen’ne ne tsi niiakaonhontsó:ten, iakónkwe/rónkwe, tsi naontaiakótteke, nahò:ten ierákwas iakónkwe/rónkwe, nahò:ten iakokwé:nion, tsi nitiakó:ion, niiakorihwiiostonhtsheró:ten, tánon ne oiáshon tsi ní:ioht tsi iontátkens ne onkwehshón:’a, tsi nitiotierá:ton ne tsi ronteweienstáhkhwa. Ionkwahskéhnhen orihwí:io aiatión:ni ne ionkhihenté:se ionkhiiatia’tará:ni tánon ne ionkhihenté:se ne kanakerahseraké:ron ionkwaió’te. Iakwé:saks aiakhihnháne ne EDI tsi nón:we ne shakotirihonnién:ni tánon ne ratirihó’kwats, tánon ronteweiénstha kanakeráhsera tánon tsi nonwéshon ionteweiénstha. Ahsewennahnó:ten akwé:kon ne EDI tsi ní:ioht tsi Ieiakwatkáthos Kahiatón:nion, iahá:se ne Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee’s webpage (Sha’taiawén’ne, Nia’té:kon, Ia’tehontiéston ne Thotiniarotáhrhon raoná:wen webpage).