
Our Faculty brings together diverse perspectives on education, fostering multidisciplinary expertise and an active and collaborative research community. Our research leads to enhanced knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning and progressive changes in educational policies and practices in Canada and internationally. Our main research foci are assessment and evaluation, curriculum, educational studies, leadership and policy, learning exceptionalities, literacy, math, science, and technology in education, and social justice and inclusion. Find out more about our Faculty's research expertise on our Research Profile page. 

Research Profiles

The Faculty of Education brings together diverse perspectives on education and fosters multidisciplinary expertise. Our research leads to enhanced knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning and progressive changes in educational policies and practices.

Research Profiles

Research Groups

The Faculty of Education is a collaborative research community. The research activities of our faculty, research groups, and the engagement of our graduate students are critical to our success. View our current research groups and their activities.

Research Groups

Research Events & Publications

The Queen's University Faculty of Education releases a number of publications and hosts events, providing graduate students and faculty members opportunities to share their research with our education community.

Research Events & Publications

Research Ethics

Faculty of Education ethics submissions go through the General Research Ethics Board (GREB). All Faculty research meets Tri-Council Research Ethics requirements. View requirements and forms for ethics.

For more informaiton about ethics and requirements for submissions, find the General Research Ethics Board website. 

Research studies approved by the General Research Ethics Board and conducted in the Faculty (e.g. with BEd students) should be emailed to the Associate Dean of Research for final approval. 

  • Examples of Letters of Information/Consent Forms, Scripts, Agreements & FAQs can be found part way down the GREB homepage
  • Course on Research Ethics (CORE) (Required for all submissions - please include certificate as an attachment) - see link under the "Ethics" tab on the top bar of the GREB homepage, or use this direct link
  • Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy Planning Record (Required for international research)
  • Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS): Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans - direct link
  • Tri-Agency Open Access Policy - direct link
  • Guidance on completing and reviewing the new GREB Standard Application Form - see link in the "Application Form Resources" section on the GREB homepage
  • Note: if any links are not working, please contact Kyle Cummings-Bentley

Research With Us

Our Faculty brings together diverse perspectives on education, fostering multidisciplinary expertise with an active collaborative research community. Our research leads to new knowledge and understandings of teaching and learning, and progressive changes in educational policies and practices. As a researcher in our community, you will have opportunities to engage in outreach initiatives in the community and in local, national and international partnerships.