Concurrent Education

Queen’s Concurrent Education is a 5-year + 1 summer term program that prepares secondary school graduates to become educators and qualify for Ontario College of Teachers certification. Our graduates are out into the job market a year earlier, since most other Ontario faculties of education offer their programs over 6 years with typical fall/winter semesters.

In Queen’s ConEd, you will be working on two degrees at the same time – an Honours Bachelor of Arts, Science (including Kinesiology), French, Music, and a Bachelor of Education degree – from day one! The BEd degree from Queen’s is widely accepted for teacher certification across Canada and around the world.

Application Process

Applications for the Concurrent Education program are completed through OUAC. 

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  • Two degrees at the same time: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in French Studies, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology**, Bachelor of Music, and a Bachelor of Education 
  • 5 years plus one summer term. Students complete an additional summer term in year 5 (ending in August). You are out on the job market a year earlier than most other programs. 
  • Select teaching divisions at the end of year 1: Primary-Junior (JK-Grade 6) or Intermediate-Senior (Grades 7-12)
  • Complete education courses in years 1-3
  • Participate in experiential placements in non-traditional settings in years 1-2
  • Complete an in-school placement in year 3
  • In addition to placements in years 1, 2, and 3, you complete 18 weeks of practicum in year 5. This includes a three-week alternative practicum that can be done anywhere in the world
  • You will choose a concentration or program track in the final year of the program. Concentrations combine two courses and the three-week alternative practicum. Not all concentrations are offered every year but some examples include: Arts and Learning, At-Risk Children, Educational Leadership, Educational Technology, Exceptional Learners, Indigenous Teacher Education, International Education, Literacy, STEM, Social Justice, etc. 
  • Interested in a tour?

**Intermediate-Senior teaching divisions only

Teaching Divisions

Intermediate-Senior Teaching Subjects

Candidates in the Intermediate-Senior program option choose two of the following subjects:

  • Dramatic Arts
  • English
  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies
  • French as a Second Language
  • Geography
  • Health and Physical Education*
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music – Instrumental
  • Music – Vocal
  • Science – Biology
  • Science – Chemistry
  • Science – Physics
  • Social Sciences
  • Visual Arts

*Health and Physical Education will only be available as a teaching subject to Concurrent Education students enrolled in BSc(Hons) KIN


Candidates who select Primary-Junior teaching divisions do not need teaching subjects.

They are required* to complete courses in at least three of the six areas of the Ontario Primary-Junior curriculum:

  • The Arts
  • Social Studies, History, and Geography
  • Science and Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Literacy and Language

*Requirement for those entering ConEd in 2024 and later

Students admitted to the ConEd French Program will be admitted directly to a French major (instead of declaring the major in the second year as happens with most Arts and Science programs). At the end of the first year, students will select either Primary-Junior (K - Grade 6) or Intermediate-Senior (Grade 7 - 12) teaching divisions. Students who select Primary-Junior will be placed in the Primary-Junior French as a Second Language program track in their final year. Students who select Intermediate-Senior must have French as a Second Language as their first teaching subject. 

Admission Information 

Selection is based on applicants' academic standing. Prerequisite courses are the same as those for entrance into the undergraduate degree program you are applying to at Queen’s.

Check Queen’s Admission Requirements to find out more.

For information regarding admission, please contact Undergraduate Recruitment.

Applications for program tracks are accepted in your final year of undergraduate studies. Program tracks are Indigenous Teacher Education, Artist in Community Education, Outdoor and Experiential Education, and Primary-Junior French as a Second Language.

In-Class Practicums and Experiential Placements

Placements and Practicum

Students complete experiential learning placements in the first two years. These take place in non-traditional settings – places like early learning centres, education departments inside of museums or galleries, Boys and Girls Clubs, education departments inside provincial parks, etc. Students make their own arrangements for the experiential learning placements. 

In year 3, ConEd students complete a 3-week practicum placement inside of an Ontario classroom, giving them valuable practical experience working alongside other education professionals. In the final year of the program, regular practicum placements happen for 15 weeks: two components in the fall (7 weeks in total), one component in the winter term (4 weeks), and one component in the second summer (4 weeks).

There is also a 3-week long alternative practicum that happens in March of the final year of the program. 

Where are Practicums?

Classroom practicum blocks take place in Ontario schools within the designated catchment area, which includes 26 boards spanning from Burlington to Cornwall. We follow the associate school model, where we aim to have our students in their final year complete all regular practicum components in the same associate school.

You will identify 4 district school boards within the designated catchment area, with the potential to be placed within any of those 4 boards. We do our best to place candidates within a one-hour commute of their home address, but this is not always possible.

Please note that having access to a vehicle during the practicum components can help widen the scope of available placements for you. Due to the high demand for the local Kingston school boards and the limited spaces available in these boards, you should be prepared to be placed in any of your four school board choices.

Alternative Practicums

The 3-week Alternative Practicum is typically completed outside the traditional school system, and normally takes place in March of your final year. It must be consistent with one of the goals of your concentration. Teacher candidates normally make their own arrangements for the Alternative Practicum. You can complete it anywhere in the world, and you can apply for Travel Fellowships to help you get there. Your program focus instructor will facilitate and approve your topic and location and can also supply you with a letter of introduction that may help you in obtaining a placement.

Amy Newnham in Hawaii while on AltPrac Alternative Practicum Experiences

Finance Your Studies

Financial Aid Services provides charts with guidelines for costs that Concurrent Students  may incur, including education and basic living expenses. The amount it costs to attend Queen's will depend somewhat on the choices you make, which will affect your budget (such as where your extended practicum and/or alternative practicum is located).

For information on financial assistance please contact Financial Aid Services.