Queen's University provides many services to our students including Academic Supports, Health & Wellness, and Student Life services. For more details about the types of support available at the Faculty of Education contact the Student Services Office at Duncan McArthur Hall, Room A112.
Student Life
Ban Righ Centre
32 Bader Lane
The centre welcomes women of diverse backgrounds and all ages, especially those returning to university after a time away, and offers community, personal, practical and financial support.
Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre
146 Barrie Street
A home away from home for Queen’s Indigenous community. The centre’s programs include 1:1 advising, personal support and counselling, cultural workshops, elder services, traditional teachings and ceremonies, a lounge, library, laundry, kitchen, feasts and a Supporting Indigenous Graduate Enhancement pod.
Yellow House
140 Stuart Street
Yellow House is a safe, comfortable and accountable space for queer, racialized, and marginalized students to create community, to feel empowered, to empower others, to celebrate and to honour their histories. Yellow House seeks to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist and colonial ideologies and practices.
Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC)
JDUC, Room 111, 87 Union St.
The centre provides an informal gathering place for the international members of the Queen’s community to network and receive non-academic advice. Supports and programs are offered to students interested in internationalizing their education on campus or through study, work or travel abroad.