Join our inclusive research community of education experts. Our PhD program works on a mentorship model where new scholars work closely with established experts and collaborative research groups. Coursework is completed under the supervision of leading experts across the education spectrum. Our PhD graduates contribute innovative work transforming theory, policy and practice. We offer competitive funding packages and opportunities for our PhD students to be teaching or research fellows, as well as research or teaching assistants.
Research Expertise
Our faculty brings together diverse perspectives on education and foster multidisciplinary expertise in the following areas:
- Arts Education
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Curriculum Studies
- Disability Studies
- Early Childhood Education
- Educational Psychology
- Exceptionalities
- History and Philosophy of Education
- Indigenous Education and Land-Based Learning
- International Education
- Language and Literacy
- Leadership and Policy Studies
- Math, Science, and Technology in Education
- Outdoor Education
- Social Justice and Inclusion
- Our program structure: Our full-time, four-year, on-campus program has three terms per year. You will take courses for the first year, then complete two comprehensive examinations before beginning your dissertation.
- Funding: All of our PhD students are provided with a minimum funding package of $20,000 per year, with average funding of $25,000 per year including teaching opportunities and research assistantships.
- Quality supervision and support: Before you apply, you will contact a supervisor who supports your studies and research throughout the program.
- Small classes: Our courses are seminar style, small, and consist of 36 instructional hours. To view our courses, visit the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs calendar.
- Gain teaching and research experience: Many of our graduate students have the opportunity to teach within our Bachelor of Education programs and gain experience and funding in the process.
- Join an active research community: As part of your PhD, you will be immersed in an active research community with opportunities to work in research groups and attend academic conferences.
- Find out: what our graduate students have been funded to research this year.
Join us for a Webinar
Want to learn more about our programs?
- Online - Wednesday, April 16, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST
- Online - Monday, May 5, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
- Online - Friday, June 13, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
Applications to all graduate programs are made through the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs website starting in September for admission the following year.
In addition to the online application and application fee, PhD applicants are required to submit the following documentation via email to
- Fill out the PhD in Education Research Proposal form.
- an electronic PDF copy of resumé/curriculum vitae
If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Studies & Research Office.
Admission Requirements
- Successful completion of a Master's degree in Education or equivalent advanced-level credential with first-class standing (A- or 80% or higher) at a recognized university
- Professional experience in education or a related field is an asset
- Applicants are required to submit a brief research proposal (one to two pages maximum)
- Applicants must identify and contact a potential supervisor who has expressed a willingness to supervise their work if they apply for admission and receive an offer of admission.
Application Deadline and Start Dates
Completed applications (including submission of transcripts, references, CV and research proposal form) are due by January 15. Late applications are not considered. Our program begins in September of each year.
Use the checklist below to assist you in your search for a supervisor in our graduate studies program.
- Get to know our Research Faculty – Review our researcher profiles. Understanding who might be a good fit for you is a key first step in the process!
- Once you have identified potential fits from our researcher profiles page, examine some of their recent research to identify their areas of interest and expertise. This will help you to determine how they might support your own program of growth. Read through prospective supervisors’ research and professional publications before deciding if they would be a good fit for your research. You may be expected to explain to your potential supervisor how they are best suited to supervise your project with specific reference to the research faculty’s scholarly work.
- Make contact – We expect prospective students to contact one prospective supervisor at a time to avoid potential misunderstandings. When you have a good sense of who you might want to approach, and what they focus on in their research, begin to draft your opening email to them. We recommend that this email should do the following:
- Express your interest in our program and in having them supervise you for a specific program start date.
- Briefly summarize your aims and research purpose.
- Identify links between their research and your own, particularly using some of the published work.
- An invitation to connect for a conversation.
- Forward relevant documentation -- With this opening email, we recommend including the following attachments:
- A 1–2-page proposal that provides more detail than your description in your email. Your proposal should articulate your research questions, your reasons for pursuing these questions, the purpose and aims of your prospective project, your research methodology, and the significance/impact of this research.
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) to provide the potential supervisor with some of your background information, including past studies and professional experience.
- Review your email to ensure you have said everything you need, and attached everything you want, and send it out! Ensure you have adequate time to order transcripts, complete your IELTS examination (for international applicants), request 2 academic references, etc.
- Be patient – Given that the potential supervisor is reviewing your work, understand that it may take at least ten business days to hear back.
Financing your studies
Funding Packages
Funding packages are awarded to students based on academic merit and they may consist of any or a combination of the following: scholarships, fellowships, external awards the student may bring with them, internal awards, research assistantships, teaching assistantships or graduate teaching fellowships.
The minimum guaranteed funding package for eligible full-time PhD students is $22,000 per year (first 12 terms), with most students receiving additional funded opportunities.
It is important to note that you must apply for all major external and internal scholarships (where appropriate) for which you are eligible in order to qualify for the minimum guarantee. Any external awards received will be applied to funding offers (i.e., the external award is not on top of the original $22,000 minimum guarantee); however, funding offers overall for students with external awards are likely to be higher than those who do not receive them.
Normally, if students apply for and successfully obtain a Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Teaching and/or Research Assistantship the average funding for eligible PhD students is approximately $25,000 per year.
Exact funding package details are communicated to students normally in early summer.
For more information on sources of funding, please see the Funding page.
Tuition, Fees and Costs
Information on tuition, fees and costs as well as the financial support offered to graduate students from the University and external agencies is provided by the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs:
There are a number of internal awards available to our PhD students including travel fellowships and awards.
Teaching Assistant or Graduate Teaching Fellow
Graduate students who want to be considered for a teaching assistant or graduate teaching fellow position as part of their funding package are required to apply for one or more of the postings listed under Work at Queen's.