Queen’s Faculty of Education GSA (Gender and Sexualities Alliance) is a group that is facilitated by Education faculty members, graduate students, and teacher candidates. The group provides a space for sharing and community by hosting social events, as well as supporting community initiatives.
The GSA meets at the beginning of the academic year in September to discuss what goals and events the group envisions for the year, and then plans one event for GSA members during each BEd on-campus period (when all of our members are in Kingston). Past events have included BBQs, potlucks, bowling, karaoke, and more. The GSA also coordinates the annual Faculty of Education Queer Prom for local gender and sexual minority youth.
The GSA has a private group on Facebook called “Queen’s Faculty of Education GSA” where GSA events, local queer events, and relevant LGBTQIA2S+ news and resources are updated.
Research Corner
Queen’s faculty & grad students are hard at work on papers, projects, thesis, initiatives, and more that benefit different parts of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.
For a faculty leader please contact:
Christopher Deluca (he/him) - cdeluca@queensu.ca
Patricia Douglas (she/her) - douglass.patricia@queensu.ca
Photo by Josie Vallier
Photo by Josie Vallier
Pride 2023