EVENT: Sept. 23: The Evolution of Inclusion: The Past and Future of Inclusive Education

An image of Dr. Shelley Moore with the text that is included in the text of this article.

All are invited to join ALCDSB Student Services for an evening of learning with Dr. Shelley Moore. The event, The Evolution of Inclusion: The past and future of inclusive education will take place: 

Monday, September 23, 2024 
6:30 - 8 pm
Duncan McArthur Hall
511 Union Street

Construction Update: Sept. 9, Graduate Lounge Closed

General Updates

  • The Graduate Lounge is closed. Due to safety concerns and structural issues, the Graduate Lounge is now closed and will have to remain closed through fall and winter terms. Items left in the Graduate Lounge must be removed by 4 pm on Friday or they will remain inaccessible until the work is complete in the winter term. An alternative space for graduate students will be available soon. 


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