Alum Leslie Flynn on CFRC talking about Distinguished Service Award

“I would say the last degree that I did was in the Faculty of Education (an MEd) which was a tremendously valuable decision that I made - has proven so beneficial. Instead of just teaching as I was taught, I got to understand the theoretical underpinning of how we teach and how we learn. It has allowed so many developments to come forward.”

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Nenad Radakovic

Nenad smiling outside

Nenad Radakovic

Associate Professor of STEM Education

Graduate Supervisor

STEM Education

Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, University of Washington, Master of Arts, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Nenad Radakovic is an Associate Professor of STEM Education at Queen's Faculty of Education. Dr. Radakovic's PhD is in the field of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development. His doctoral research was on the pedagogy of risk in the context of secondary mathematics. Dr. Radakovic has taught secondary mathematics in Croatia, and elementary, middle school, and secondary mathematics in Toronto, Canada.

Prior to his appointment at Queen's University, Dr. Radakovic was an Associate Professor at the College of Charleston and a Sessional Lecturer at the University of Toronto where he taught a graduate course about holistic approaches to elementary mathematics and a graduate course about making secondary mathematics meaningful. He is a Service, Teaching, and Research (STaR) Fellow with the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Dr. Radakovic’s professional memberships include National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), North American Chapter of International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics (PMENA), and the Special Interest Group for the Research of Mathematics Education (SIGRME).

Research Interests

  • Mathematics and social justice 
  • STE(A)M education
  • pedagogy of risk 
  • transdisciplinary mathematics education 
  • mathematics teacher education 
  • technology in mathematics education 



Radakovic, N., & Jao, L. (Eds.) (2020). Borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education. Cham,   Switzerland: Springer.

Jao, L., & Radakovic, N. (Eds.) (2018). Transdisciplinarity in mathematics education: Blurring disciplinary boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Book Chapters

Jao, L., & Radakovic, N. (2020). Introduction: Borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education. In N. Radakovic, & L. Jao (Eds.), Borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education (pp. xv-xxiv). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

ndunda, m., & Radakovic, N. (2020). Standardization and borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education: A duoethnographic exploration. In N. Radakovic, & L. Jao (Eds.), Borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education (pp. 267-277). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Radakovic, N., & Khalil, N. (2019). An educator’s journey: A case of a gifted and talented immigrant teacher. In M. L. Van Sickle, J. Swanson, J. A. Bazler, & K. L. Lubniewski (Eds.), Identifying, describing, and developing teachers who are gifted and talented (pp. 134-144). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Radakovic, N. (2018). Teaching and learning risk in the context of mathematics education: From deficit theory to critical pedagogy of risk. In P. Trifonas, & S. Jagger (Eds.), Handbook of cultural studies in education (pp. 42-51). New York: Routledge.

Radakovic, N., & Chernoff, E.J. (2018) Risk education. In S. Lerman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of mathematics education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Radakovic, N., & Jao, L. (2018). The transdisciplinary nature of mathematics education. In L. Jao, N. Radakovic (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity in mathematics education: Blurring disciplinary boundaries (pp. xi-xviii). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Radakovic, N., Weiland, T., & Bazzul, J. (2018). Transdisciplinarity, critical mathematics education, eco-justice, and the politics to come. In L. Jao , & N. Radakovic (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity in mathematics education: Blurring disciplinary boundaries (pp. 109-124). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

O'Byrne, W. I., & Radakovic, N. (2017). Educating digital natives: Possible and prospective futures of students in learning ecologies. In S. T. Slota & M. F. Young (Eds.), Exploding the castle: Rethinking how video games and game mechanics can shape the future of education (pp. 179-200). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Radakovic, N., & McDougall, D. (2012). From static to dynamic representations of probability conceptsIn D. Martinovic, D. McDougall, & Z. Karadag (Eds.), Technology in mathematics education: Contemporary issues (pp. 221-239). Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Institute.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Radakovic, N. (2021). Preparing students to reason about (existential) risk: The lessons from the pandemicInternational Journal for the Learning of Mathematics41(2).

Hunter-Doniger, T., Radakovic, N., O’Byrne, I., Adams, B., Gourdie, E., Heckman, C., & Smith, D. (in press). 3D-printed iron gates: Celebrating an African American artist through a transdisciplinary lesson. Art Education.

Radakovic, N., & Hunter-Doniger, T. (2020). Towards more inclusive mathematics: Opening up the standards for mathematical practice. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 86, 1-10.    

Radakovic, N., Jagger, S., & Jao, L. (2018). Realizing multiplicity in the uni-verse: Our reading and writing of mathematical poetry. For the Learning of Mathematics38(1), 2-6.

O’Byrne, W. I., Radakovic, N., Hunter-Doniger, T., Fox, M., Parnell, S., & Kern, R. (2018). Designing spaces for creativity and divergent thinking: Pre-service teachers creating stop motion animation on tablets. The International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 6(2), 182-199.

Radakovic, N. (2018). Towards the critical pedagogy of risk in mathematics education. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 33.

Radakovic, N. (2015). Pedagogy of risk: Why and how should we teach risk in high school math classes? The Mathematics Enthusiast, 12(1-3), 307-329.

Radakovic, N. (2015). ‘People can go against the government’: risk-based decision making and highschool students’ concept of society. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education15(3), 276-288.

Radakovic, N., & McDougall, D. (2012). Using dynamic geometry software for teaching conditionalprobability with area-proportional Venn diagrams. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 43(7), 949-953.

Esmonde, I., Takeuchi, M., & Radakovic, N. (2011). Getting unstuck: Learning and histories of engagement in classrooms. Mind, Culture and Activity, 18(3), 237-256.

Heather Morrison

Heather Morrison smiles in a white blazer.

Heather Morrison

PhD in Education


Graduate Student

Research Area

Public Pedagogy as a pillar of Liberal Democracy


Dr. Richard Reeve


The heart of Heather’s career has centered on advocating for the rights and well-being of vulnerable persons. She has demonstrated this life-long commitment through frontline employment as a case manager and counselor. In these roles, she delivered direct counseling and developed programs in the areas of youth justice diversion, family violence, sexual violence, and mental health and addictions to an Indigenous fly-in community.

Aiding in her research, Heather combines her frontline experience with her extensive knowledge in political organizing, policy governance development, project management, and information technology. She currently serves as governance chair on Elizabeth Fry Kingston’s board.

Heather recently completed her Master's in Education at Queen’s University, where her work focused on the impact of complex childhood trauma on learners. Currently, she is a PhD student at Queen's University's Faculty of Education and is a two-year recipient of the Martin Schiralli Fellowship. Heather’s PhD research explores public pedagogy as a primary tenant of liberal democracy, as it promotes responsible citizenship and fuels social change through knowledge acquisition.

Ultimately, her research and writing will build an evidence-based case serving as the foundational argument for Canada’s first museum of women’s history.

Heather is the founder and visionary-drive behind the Canadian Museum of Women's History.

Research Interests

  • Public Pedagogy
  • Women’s Equality
  • Institutional Theory
  • Organizational Development
  • Complex Childhood Trauma and Learning