Student Experiences: Outdoor & Experiential Education Field Camp

Hello!  My name is Stuart David and I am a B.Ed. Teacher Candidate in the Primary/Junior Divisions with a concentration in Outdoor and Experiential Education. 

The Outdoor and Experiential Education (OEE) program has a unique start in September called Field Camp.  At Field Camp all 27 Teacher Candidates in the OEE program get together at Frontenac Park Scout Camp on Otter Lake and spend 5 days completing activities, sleeping in tents, cooking some amazing food and getting to know each other.

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Student Experiences: How I Prepared for my Open Graduate Defence

Being examined in front of your peers

group photo"I don't know many people that would be excited by the prospect, and I'm certainly not one of them."

Knowing that you are going to be examined in front of your peers is daunting. I don't know many people that would be excited by the prospect, and I'm certainly not one of them.