Student Experiences: designing leadership programming for Indigenous youth

As part of the Queen’s online Professional Master in Education (PME) program, students can choose to take part in a Capstone Project – a self-directed course that allows student professionals to explore current and relevant educational challenges within their own practice and organization. Find out about the exciting project PME Alumna Talia Kaufman (‘18) undertook as part of her program.  

He Whakapakari ake i te Tuakiri Maaori – Strengthening Maaori Identity through ‘Tuupuna Times’ –  Preserving the narratives of Ruuruhi (elderly women) and Koroheke (elderly men)


Thursday February 25, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm



 Dr Tangiwai Rewi

Dr. Tangiwai Rewi, University of Otago, New Zealand

The importance of knowing where you come from, who you are and where you belong is critical in developing a sense of identity in youth.  It is important to grow iwi Māori and Indigenous peoples’ capacity to record their elders’ narratives to strengthen young peoples’ identity and sense of belonging to their marae, longhouse, or land. Many whaanau (families)regret not having information about their parents' or grandparents’ stories before they pass away or succumb to dementia. Tuupuna Times is a seven-section questionnaire that has been used to teach  whaanau  how to record the narratives of their elders. This presentation explains the transformational and empowering elements of Tuupuna Times and the simplicity of how to use the questionnaire effectively.



Statement on Vandalism at Four Directions

The Faculty of Education stands in solidarity with members of our community impacted by the vandalism yesterday at Four Directions. The flags that were vandalized were hung after the racist and homophobic incident at Chown Hall. This violence and discrimination has no place at our University and community. Our Indigenous and LGBTQ2S+ students, faculty, and staff must feel welcome and safe at Queen’s. We will continue to listen and work with our colleagues and students in our ongoing response to this hateful act.

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ATEP Statement on the Vandalization of Indigenous and LGBTQ2S+ Flags at Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre

On Tuesday, June 30, the Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP) was informed that the Indigenous and LGBTQ2S+ flags that hung proudly at Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre had been vandalized. These flags were hung in response to the previous racist and homophobic incident that occurred in a residence on campus last fall. This act of vandalism is not only cowardly but is racist, homophobic, discriminatory, and bigoted.

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Statement on Kamloops

It is with great sorrow that I learned this weekend about the finding of the remains of the 215 children on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc on the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. It is another haunting reminder of the cruelty and legacy of the residential school system in Canada.  As a Faculty of Education, we hold a great responsibility to create and lead education about the oppression and brutality of Canada’s treatment of Indigenous peoples and provide learning opportunities about the rich histories and vibrant cultures of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island.

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