Muna Taro

Start Date

Thursday June 2, 2022

End Date

Wednesday June 29, 2022


11:15 am - 5:00 pm


The Tett Centre

The Muna Taro art exhibition will take place in the Tett Centre Gallery from June 2 – 29, 2022.
This event is free and all are welcome!
Meet the Muna Taro Team from 2pm to 4pm on June 2, 2022!

Who, Where, Why, What?

East meets West, North meets South. Innovative solutions blend with deeply rooted cultures. We weave the powerful elements at our disposal to create an empowered modern African Youth. We are coming together, please join us!

Muna Taro is a collaboration between Five Cowries Arts Education Initiative, 1 Million Teachers and Girl Rising. It is a call to action for us to come together to find innovative solutions that improve and support quality learning experience for children and youth, especially girls in Nigeria/Africa. In addition, it highlights how they are challenging conventional systems that may not be relevant to 21st century realities.

The exhibition will comprise of photographs that illustrate the positive influence of education when combined with highly skilled, trained, and empowered educators in the lives of children, especially the girl child. One of the projects that will be showcased is "My Story of Water". It is a project that educators can deliver in the classroom, in the community or in the home.

It introduces learners to challenging issues around water by focusing on various aspects of their own “Water Story”. From the science of water to trade to environmental issues young people develop, life skills and knowledge that will enable them to positively impact on their communities’ water reality. There will be hand painted water jerry cans from children in Nigeria to showcase their story of water.

The Muna Taro gallery exhibition is sponsored by The Tett Centre for Creativity & Learning. Please visit for exhibition dates & hours. Queen’s University will collaborate with Limestone School District for elementary school children in Kingston and surrounding areas to have the opportunity to visit the Tett Centre in the month of June to learn more about education in Nigeria.

Jackson Pind interviewed about his research on Indian Day Schools

Jackson Pind, our first post-doctoral fellow of Indigenous Education at the Faculty of Education, discussed his research on Indian Day Schools with the Peterborough Examiner.

Pind collected thousands of records to undertake the research which currently goes up to 1951.

Through this research Pind hopes to see more content about the history of Indian Day Schools incorporated into the education system.

Article Category

Guest Lecture: Understanding the socio-cultural bases of the challenges of people with disabilities through an ecological lens


Monday April 11, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm



Santoshi Halder

Presenter: Professor Santoshi Halder, Department of Education, University of Calcutta, India; Visiting Queen’s as the Shastri-Indo Canadian Mobility Award Fellow. Learn more about the presenter (PDF 196 KB).

Host: Dr. Jordan Shurr

The wider and broader connotation of the term inclusion is to address any sort of seclusion and minority experiences due to background, identity, and ability (i.e., gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, culture, and social class) or a combination of one or more of these together. Historically societies have witnessed different grounds of discrimination, based on the social and historical processes that shaped the constitutional traditions of each country and context or region. Categorization based on abilities or disabilities has influenced to a greater extent the well-being of human beings. Highlights of the presentation:

  • Huge Gap: Inclusion as a theory and practice for various reasons
  • Current status of participation and inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD).
  • Developing country perspective, highlighting India. The historical trajectory of legislation and Policy in India and its differential effects in the implementation due to socio-cultural factors.
  • Case studies/excerpts of the practices and the challenges (extracts from own research), focusing on women with disabilities and the socio-cultural factors.
  • Concludes with key priority areas for Future directions

Registration closed.

RBJSE 2022

Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Times of Transition

March 31 — April 1, 2022
Register here

The Rosa Bruno-Jofré Symposium in Education is an annual gathering organised for and by graduate students in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University. It features educators and graduate student presenters from across Canada. 

Article Category