Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics
+ Integrating Sustainability & Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion STEAM Teaching and Research

Mission Statement
STEAM+ is a group within Queen's Faculty of Education that brings together different subjects to solve global issues in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development goals. Our focus areas include climate, the environment, equity, diversity, and Indigenous knowledge, all aimed at making the world better. We are supported by the RBC National Teaching Fund in Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, which was established to enhance math, science, technology, and computer science education in Canada.
- Nenad Radakovic
- Pamela Beach
- Elizabeth MacEachren
- Ena Holterman
- Peter Chin
- Ben Bolden
- Chris Carlton
- Saad Chahine
- Amanda Cooper
- Jennifer Davis
- Ena Holtermann
- Zabe MacEachren
- Anne Mansfield
- Ian Matheson
- Heather McGregor
- Lindsay Morcom
- Thashika Pillay
- Richard Reeve
- Michelle Searle
- Kristy Timmons
- Sandy Youmans
- Holly Ogden
- Rosa Bruno-Jofré
- Stephen Haberer
- Aynne Johnston
- Tiina Kukkonen
- Benjamin Kutsyuruba
- Jordan Shurr