Two of our incredible faculty members have been honoured with awards at conferences this year.
Dr. Amanda Cooper, Associate Dean, Research and Strategic Initiatives, was awarded the Excellence in Research to Practice Award at this year’s American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. This award is part of the Special Interest Group awards handed out at AERA. Amanda won the Award from Special Interest Group 100 for Research Use. Since joining the faculty, Dr. Cooper has done impressive work in her field of Knowledge Mobilization and Knowledge Translation. We are so thrilled to see her recognized for this work on a conference stage.
Dr. Chris DeLuca, Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies, and Professor in the Faculty of Education received an award at this year’s Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference. Chris was honoured with the Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE) Mentorship Award. CCGSE presents the Mentorship Award to recognize exceptional mentorship at the level of graduate instruction. Importantly, this award provides an opportunity to recognize the role that mentorship plays in Canadian educational research, while involving graduate students in the awards process. Dr. DeLuca plays a meaningful leadership role for our graduate students and we are so lucky to have him.
Congratulations to both of our faculty members for these well-deserved honours! Thank you for everything you do for our community.