Theory and History of Education International Research Group

The Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG) aims to share research, engage in collaborative scholarly work, generate academic exchanges and symposia, and produce scholarly work in English, French, and Spanish related to history and philosophy of education.

Specifically, the goals of the research group are to:

Rosa Bruno-JofreRosa Bruno-Jofré (former dean of the Faculty of Education, Queen's University) is the founder and first coordinator of THEIRG, which was created in the winter of 2007. Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is the co-coordinator. For more on the history of the Group, see THEIRG’s website.

Encounters in Theory and History of Education

THEIRG produces the well-established and indexed trilingual journal founded in 2000, Encounters in Theory and History of Education / Rencontres en Théorie et Histoire de l'Éducation. Encounters began in 2000 to generate a dialogue among educational researchers from Canada, Spain, and Latin America in light of internationalization and economic globalization. Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is co-editor. The Journal was co-founded by Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University) and Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

The 2019 issue of Encounters, Festschrift Honouring Nel Noddings on Occasion of Her 90th Birthday, is now available.

2020 Special Issue of Encounters

Announcing the 2020 Special Issue of Encounters in Theory and History of Education: International Organizations, Global Circulation of Ideas and Educational Modernization

Guest Editors: Mariano González-Delgado (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain) and Óscar José Martín García (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

THEIRG Monograph Series

Founded in 2018, the Theory and History of Education Monograph Series is published by The Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG) at Queen’s University and compliments the Group’s open access journal: Encounters in Theory and History of Education.

The press is supported by Queen’s University Library’s Monograph Hosting Service. Professor Rosa Bruno-Jofré is the founding Senior Editor. THE is an open access series of titles exploring the history of education, philosophy of education, interdisciplinary perspectives on educational theory, sociological historical approaches, and intellectual history of education. It has a team of associate editors and an advisory council. Submissions go through a blind review process.

THEIRG's four Monograph Series books have been published: New Directions in Research on Education: Reconstruction in Challenging Circumstances, edited by Tom O'Donoghue and Simon Clarke (April 2019), and Vatican II and Catholic Religious Secondary Education in Ontario: Changes within a North American Context, authored by Joseph Stafford (November 2019). The Revolution of Georges Cabanis: A Forgotten Education Reform in Post-Enlightenment France, by Naomar Almeida Filho (May 2022); Ovide Decroly (1871-1932) : Une approche atypique?, by Marc Depaepe, Frank Simon and Angelo Van Gorp (September 2022)


THEIRG members represent established scholars and graduate students from three continents. Additional scholars are involved with THEIRG through special projects and publications.

  • Naomar Almeida Filho (former President University Federal de Bahia, Brazil, Chair of the Alfredo Bosi Chair University of Sāo Paulo)
  • Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s at University of Toronto)
  • Christopher Beeman (Brandon University)
  • Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University; founding coordinator of THEIRG)
  • Josh Cole (Independent Researcher and Author)
  • Christian Cox (Universidad Diego Portales)
  • Mohammad Fateth (Queen’s University)
  • Ina Ghita (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Ana Jofre (SUNY Polytechnic Utica)
  • James Scott Johnston ( Memorial University)
  • Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Heidi MacDonald (University of New Brunswick)
  • Carlos Martínez Valle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Thomas O’Donoghue (University of Western Australia)
  • Maitane Ostolaza (University of Nantes, France)
  • Macarena Ponce de León (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Patricia Quiroga Uceda (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Ruth Sandwell (OISE, University of Toronto)
  • Sol Serrano (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Elizabeth Smyth (OISE, University of Toronto)
  • Joseph Stafford (sessional lecturer, Queen’s University, historian, retired teacher)
  • Ana Paula Tavares Magalhāes (University of Sāo Paulo) 
  • Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Diana Gonçalves Vidal (University of Sāo Paulo)

Upcoming symposium

A contextual historical analysis of conceptions and practices of education across time and space from the mid XIX - the XXI . Provisional

February 16-19, 2023, St. Michael’s University College in the University of Toronto and via zoom.

Hybrid closed working symposium . Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant file 611-2019-0427

Principal applicant Rosa Bruno-Jofré, host: Michael Attridge. A symposium of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG; Participation and collaboration from three Queen’s Education graduate students: Mohammad Fateh, Peter Glinos, and Bonita Uzoruo.

THEIR in partnership with, members of the Institute for Research on the Second Vatican Council in Canada at USMC,the Civic Culture and Educational Policies Research Team from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, members of the History of Education Research Group (NIEPHE) and the Thematic Project Education in Borders of the University of São Paulo, and the Cátedra Alfredo Bosi, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA/USP) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil .

Contact Us

Rosa Bruno-Jofré
Theory and History of Education International Research Group
Faculty of Education, Queen's University
511 Union Street
Room B 203
Kingston, ON, Canada
K7M 5R7