Recycled Planter Challenge: Winners Announced!

Progress photos of one of the planters Earlier this spring, families across Ontario (and the world) entered the longest March Break in history. Students were learning remotely for the first time, caregivers were learning to juggle childcare, working from home, and managing the stress of living in a global pandemic. Families were spending more time together and forced to spend that time largely in their own homes. Activities like baking, hiking, and puzzling saw a revival, as low-te

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Ramadan Greetings!

covers of books recommended in text below

The holy month of Ramadan began on Friday, April 24.  During Ramadan, Muslims around the world embark upon a month-long spiritual journey of fasting, prayer, acts of kindness and reflection to commemorate the revealing of the Qu’ran to the Prophet Muhammad.

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Queen's Parent Panel - A Q&A with the Faculty of Education


Monday May 17, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm



Queen's Parent Panel poster


Join our Faculty for a Queen’s community discussion about teaching and learning from home. Featuring:

  • Dr. Claire Ahn
  • Dr. Pamela Beach
  • Dr. Amanda Cooper
  • Dr. Andrea Martin