Welcome Teacher Candidates

Education students posing in a picture frame

Why You Should Choose Queen's 

  • 16-Month Program! Our program starts in May 2025 and ends in August 2026 – getting you into the job market a year earlier than most other programs.
  • Choose a Concentration! You get to choose a concentration which provides a pathway for you to develop your professional interests. Concentrations include two complementary courses and a 3-week Alternative Practicum in the same topic. Topics could include At-Risk Children or Adolescents & Young Adults, Exceptional Learners, Educational Technology, Social Justice, and International Education. If you were accepted into a Program Track (ACE, ITEP, PJFSL) this will be your concentration.
  • Alternative Practicum Experience! Our 3-week Alternative Practicum (also known as the Alt Prac) gives you the opportunity to gain invaluable experience in a setting outside of school – you can do it in Canada or anywhere else in the world. Teacher candidates have spent their Alt Pracs at Banff National ParkGlobal Learning in Hong Kong, the Vatican, the Stratford Festival, Youth Theatre Arts in Scotland, the Royal Ontario Museum, Joyceville Institution – and so many more. There are Travel Fellowships available to help you make your dream Alt Prac happen.
  • Access to Education Career and Employment Assistance! You will have access to career advice throughout your program, and after as an alumni, from our Academic and Career Advisors.
  • 21 Weeks of Practicum Experience! You get to experience the classroom through Practicum placements:
    • 3 weeks in the first summer
    • 7 weeks in the fall (a 3 week and 4 week component)
    • 4 weeks in the winter, followed by a 3 week alternative practicum
    • 4 weeks in the second summer.
  • Kingston is a great and easy city to live in – rich in history and culture and home to vibrant arts, food, and maker communities. Lake Ontario provides picturesque opportunities for swimming and sailing. Kingston’s small city size makes the city easily accessible, while still providing the conveniences of a larger city. 

Next Steps

Find out everything you need to know about making a decision and accepting your offer.

Additional Information


May 7 & 8 Orientation and introduction to the program (in-person)
May 12-30 Practicum (Victoria Day - May 19)
June 2-6 Summer break (5 days)
June 9-July 4 Summer block 1 (19 days) 
July 1 Canada Day (Classes will not be held)
July 7-August 1 Summer class block 2 (20 days)
Aug 27 Opening Day and first day of fall term classes
Aug 27-Sept 26 Fall class block 1 (Labour Day - Sept 1) (21 days) 
Sept 29-Nov 14 Practicum (Thanksgiving - Oct 13) (34 days - 2 separately graded practicum)
Nov 17-Dec 17 Fall class block 2 (Commemoration Day Dec 6, classes will not be held) (24 days, 45 days total of Fall Term)


Jan 5-30 Winter class block 1 (New Year's Day - Jan 1) (20 days)
Feb 2-27 Practicum (Family Day - Feb 16) (19 days)
March 2-13 Alternative Practicum block 1 (10 days of 15 day practicum)
March 16-20 March Break (5 days)
March 23-27 Alternative Practicum block 2 (5 days of 15 day practicum) 
March 30-May 1 Winter class block 2 (Good Friday - April 3) (24 days, 44 days total Winter Term)
May 4-29 Summer 2 Practicum (Victoria Day - May 18) (19 days)
June 1-5  Summer Break (5 days) 
June 8-July 3 Summer 2 class block 1 (19 days)
July 1 Canada Day - University closed; classes will not be held
July 6-31 Summer 2 class block 2 (20 days, 39 days total Summer Term) 
August 31 Summer 2 Term ends 


The format of the Queen’s BEd/DEd program follows an Associate School model where we attempt to have candidates complete ALL regular practicum components (18 weeks) in the same Associate School (with the exception of the first practicum placement in the first summer, and the winter term practicum for candidates enrolled in the Indigenous Teacher Education Program). Associate Schools are designated to our Faculty by the boards in the Queen’s catchment area. Teacher candidates will submit their Practicum Registration Form, where they identify four district school board selections, with the understanding that they could be placed within any of these four boards for ALL of their practicum components.

PRAC 410/411 is a 3-week practicum in the first summer; PRAC 420/421 is a 3-week practicum and PRAC 430/431 is a 4-week practicum, both in the fall term; PRAC 440/441 is a 4-week practicum in the winter term and; PRAC 460/461 is a 4-week practicum in the second summer term. The Alternative Practicum (PRAC 450/451) is 3 weeks and is in the winter term as well, immediately following PRAC 440/441.
Primary-Junior candidates will gain experience in both primary (JK to grade 3) and junior (grades 4 to 6) classrooms over the course of the program and Intermediate-Senior candidates will gain experience in both intermediate (grades 7 to 10) and senior (grades 11 and/or 12) classrooms, in at least one of their teaching subjects
ALL regular practicum components in Associate Schools are arranged by the Practicum Office and candidates MUST NOT discuss their practicum with teachers and/or principals to make their own arrangements. Candidates will not be placed in the secondary school from which they graduated (if graduation was within 7 years), where a sibling currently attends, or where a family member is employed, as this presents a conflict of interest.
The 3-week Alternative Practicum offers an opportunity to gain experience in a concentration and placements are typically completed outside the school system. Candidates can complete the Alternative Practicum anywhere in the world, provided it relates to the EDST/FOCI concentration they are enrolled in. Candidates can apply for a travel bursary to assist with costs associated with out-of-country Alternative Practicum placements (conditions apply).
Catholic School Board Partners
A map showing the 12 regions of the Catholic District School Boards Used by Queen's Faculty of Education
Waterloo, Halton, Dufferin-Peel; Toronto; York; Simcoe; Durham; Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, & Clarington; Algonquin-Lakeshore; Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario; Ottawa; Renfrew.
Public School Board Partners
Map showing Public School Board partners
Toronto District School Board; York Region; Durham; Kawartha Pineridge; Trillium Lakelands; Hastings, Prince Edward; Limestone, Upper Canada; Ottawa-Carleton, Renfrew; Simcoe; Peel; Waterloo; Halton

How Much Will It Cost?

Queen’s Student Awards provides estimated costs for the 4-term program, including rent, food, etc..

2025-26 tuition and fees are expected to be announced by May 2025 (and are subject to change from 2024-25). To give you an estimate for the 4-term program:

Activity Fees and the Health and Dental Plan for Consecutive students are administered by the Society of Graduate and Professional Students. 2025-26 fee information is forthcoming. For questions contact the Society of Graduate & Professional Students.

Financing and Awards

Queen’s Student Awards has a website with information about financing your Queen’s Education program. For questions contact Student Awards.

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) makes bursaries available to candidates who are entering Ontario’s faculties of education.

Applicants entering into their first year of a Bachelor of Education Program in Ontario are welcome to apply for Richard Bilkszto Scholarship. Please see website for more information and details.


With two universities and one college in Kingston, there is a huge rental market in Kingston. Our students are often able to take advantage of a summer lull in the market – grabbing great rentals quickly when they come in May.

There are many different places to find housing, including:

We offer tours of Duncan McArthur Hall, home to the Faculty of Education. Please contact Student Services if you are interested. We are available to answer any questions you may have about the program, Queen’s, and Kingston.

Duncan McArthur Hall is an integrated educational complex that provides teaching and learning facilities, support services, and administrative offices under one roof.