To get inspired, you may wish to think about a place that matters to you and how you are connected to it. What emotions do you feel when you think about this place?
How does being in this place support your wellbeing, how can you support the wellbeing of your place, to create connectivity and reciprocation?
In this example a student, Sienna, who attended the Spark Workshop, drew the pier at sunset.
If visual art is not typically your forte, you may try playing with impressions of colour, shapes or moods that you feel in your space.
How can mindful connection to land and place help you imagine a better future?
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Finding inspiration could mean connecting with something that you pass by everyday; exploring and learning about the plants that grow near you, finding out which are native and which are invasive, how can we support the ecosystems right in our community.
What colours and textures call to you? Do they call to other creatures too? What plants or fungi may be edible, medicines, potentially harmful? What do you feel when you think about sustainability and food security after spending time becoming more familiar with what is growing wild right in your backyard?
Play with the beauty you find and let it create art for you!
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Pressing pause and taking time to put your thoughts into words can be another way to participate in Queen's Imagines the Future Festival.
Whether stream-of-consciousness, poetry, lyrics, fiction or prose, putting your future positive imaginings into written word would be the perfect way to create for this festival. Maybe you can identify something that you wish was different and imagine how positive change could be fostered to create a different story.
Or you could find something that brings you hope, and envision how it could be nurtured, grown, and made to have a larger impact.
These shifts could be as small as a seed or as giant as a redwood.
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