Christopher Carlton
Adjunct Faculty
Term Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
Elementary Teacher, Limestone District School Board (seconded to Queen’s University)
B.Sc. Western University, 1986 B.Ed. Queen’s University, 2004.
As an educator with LDSB for over 20 years, teaching students in kindergarten through to grade 8, Chris has learned the importance of student engagement and authentic hands-on learning, involving real-world problems. He fostered a learning environment for students to have a voice and choice in their own learning journey, which helped him further develop his teaching pedagogy. Nonfiction books were a key element of his teaching strategies, using them as a cross curricular link to engage his students and develop a lifelong love of reading.
Through bringing students outside to breathe in nature and learn from what is around them, he focuses on expanding classroom experiences and helping students discover the important connection and appreciation for our environment and environmental issues.
As a member of the Queen’s Faculty of Education since 2018, Chris is a Term Adjunct Professor instructing CURR 387 Science and Technology (PJ), and Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP) CURR 387 Science and Technology. As part of his Queen’s community outreach role, he developed a teacher YouTube channel called mykitchenscienceshow which helps facilitate the sharing of exciting hands-on STEAM science experiments. Chris also championed a school-wide vermicomposting program to help students understand the importance of soil health and the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.
Chris’ personal goal is to help ignite a spark for STLEAM education with Language being a key added component to this educational strategy. His science courses help develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward all of these subject areas for teacher candidates. Through his courses he also helps facilitate exploring our surroundings through a variety of approaches including land-based learning, student-centered learning, problem-based learning, use of hands-on activities, and integrated learning experiences.
Chris is a member of the Queen’s Faculty of Education podcast team and the host of their Popular Podagogy podcast. Through this podcast they bring new ideas in teaching practices, discuss a variety of successful teaching strategies, and have conversations about what is important to both our new and experienced teachers.