Theresa Nowlan Suart
PhD in Education
Graduate Student
Research Area
Curriculum Theorizing
Theresa is a full-time Educational Developer with the Queen's School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) program and a part-time PhD student. She started her career in community-based journalism (after completing a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of King's College) with a side-trip to public relations before finding herself facilitating academic upgrading workshops. This led to two degrees in adult education from the University of New Brunswick, including a research-based master's with a thesis on Exploring How Women Learn the Role of Stepmother. Her graduate research is directly related to her work in medical education.
Research Interests
- Teacher training for higher education
- Medical education
- Community Service-Learning
- Adult Education
- Narrative Inquiry
- Intersections of Autism and Education
Twitter: @TheresaSuart
LinkedIn: Theresa Suart