Technological Education Multi-Session Program (TEMS)

Program is contingent on funding and enrolment.

Our multi-session program provides an opportunity for skilled tradespeople to earn a Bachelor of Education (BEd) or Diploma in Education (DEd) in a blended format. This program is designed as a second career pathway for skilled tradespeople seeking to enter the teaching profession and secure employment in Ontario schools. 

This program is geared toward those that currently have a qualifying teaching position or are seeking one (e.g., unqualified teacher, teacher on a letter of permission). The hope is that eligible candidates qualify for the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration (MTCQR) and then, with Faculty of Education approval, complete practicum requirements while working in an Ontario classroom. 

We have an on-campus version of this program as well - find out more about the differences. 





Application Process

How to apply






  • This is a professional education program with areas of study in Intermediate-Senior Technological Education.
  • Graduates receive either:
    • Bachelor of Education (BEd) Individuals with a combination of work experience and completed post-secondary education, consisting of a post-secondary degree or diploma (min. 2 year) or apprenticeship program acceptable to Skilled Trades Ontario and the Ontario College of Teachers, that totals five (5) years*, of which at least two (2) years* must be work experience in their Broad-based Technology and at least four (4) months in this two-year timeframe must be continuous will receive a BEd.
    • Diploma in Education (DEd) Individuals with a high school diploma and a minimum 5 years* of work experience, including business or industrial experience, where the applicant used skills and knowledge in the area of Technological Education selected for their Broad-based Technology will receive a DEd.
      *Please note that 1 year equals 1700 hours
  • 6 successive terms over 24 months. Starting in May, the program is delivered in a blended format both on and off-campus and runs Summer, Fall/Winter, Summer, Fall/Winter.
  • The first and second summer terms are delivered in-person at Queen’s University, Faculty of Education.
  • Fall and winter terms are delivered over 4 weekends per term, currently held at two sites: the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or Kingston. Applicants must select their preferred location when applying to the program. 
  • Teacher candidates complete 18 weeks of practicum.
  • Provides the opportunity for eligible candidates to qualify for the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration (MTCQR) and then, with Faculty of Education approval, to complete practicum requirements while working in an Ontario classroom.

Find out more!

Find out more about our blended and on-campus Technological Education programs.

  • October 1, 7 pm - Which program is right for me? Technological Education (on-campus) or Technological Education Multi-Session (blended)
  • October 22, 7 pm - Technological Education Multi-Session (blended) 
  • October 23, 7 pm - Technological Education (on-campus) 

In the program you will take some courses that are common to all education programs, as well as courses specific to Technological Education.
These courses will introduce to new ideas and practices, ask you to critically reflect on how you will practice as an educator. Our Faculty has a classroom specifically designed for project development in Technological Education.

During practicum you will work alongside other education professionals in Ontario classrooms for 18 weeks - 3 weeks in the first summer term (May) and 15 weeks in the fall/winter terms.

For more specific schedules, please see the Academic Calendar.


There are three relevant locations: 

  1. Weekend Class Blocks - there are currently two weekend location options - the GTA and Kingston. 
  2. The July summer sessions take place at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. 
  3. The practicum blocks take place at a host school near you. 


Please note that the program time-table changes from year to year. Practicum block timing changes each year. You can find past dates on the Technological Education Multi-Session Academic Calendar. There are 18 weeks of practicum overall. 

Summer 1

In-person learning

  • One weekend in May at Queen's in Kingston
  • Two weekends in June at Queen's in Kingston
  • Four weeks in July at Queen’s in Kingston


Three weeks (in May)

Fall 1

In-person learning

  • One fast-track weekend per month (September -  December) 


As scheduled

Winter 1

In-person learning

  • One fast-track weekend per month (January - April) 


As scheduled

Summer 2

In-person learning

  • Four weeks in July at Queen's University 



Fall 2

In-person learning

  • One fast-track weekend per month (September - December) 


As scheduled 

Winter 2

In-person learning

  • One fast-track weekend per month (January - April) 


As scheduled 




Contact Us

For more information regarding admission, please contact Education Student Services.

Working and Learning: Your Options for the Program

You have the option of working in a school while completing the program through Multi-Session Transitional Certification OR you can continue working in the industry while you finish the program. 

If you are considering staying in industry while you work through this program, make sure to look through the samples schedule so you have an idea of the time commitment required for the program. 

Transitional Certification: Learn & Earn

Think of the practicum like an apprenticeship. After successful completion of the first session (Spring/Summer One) of the TEMS Program, candidates are eligible to apply to the Ontario College of Teachers for a Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration (MTCQR). With a MTCQR, candidates employed by school boards will gain valuable practical experience in instructional settings which are related to the areas of concentration of the candidate's program of professional education while continuing to earn a salary.

Step One: Multi-Session Transitional Certificate Qualification and Registration Practicum – For TEMS teacher candidates, the qualifying practicum for the MTCQR must be completed in May (PRAC 417) of their first year of study. This fifteen-day practicum is an introduction to schools where the candidate will observe and assist in a secondary school in their Broad-Based Technology (BBT) area. Candidates are not expected to teach formal lessons during this practicum.

Step Two: Summer One: In-person, On-campus Learning – To qualify for application to the Ontario College of Teachers for the MTCQR, TEMS teacher candidates must successfully complete the Summer One (June & July) term of study. During this first term of the TEMS Program, candidates are required to attend in-person classes on-campus at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. The Spring/Summer term is a full-time term of study and attendance is required. 

Step Three: Apply for the Multi-Session Transitional Certificate Qualification and Registration (MTCQR) – The MTCQR is granted by the Ontario College of Teachers to eligible teacher candidates before they have completed their teacher education program. School boards may offer employment to TEMS candidates holding a MTCQR and/or pending MTCQR as qualified teachers of Technological Education in the I/S division. This fast track to employment is intended to support school boards in addressing the need for qualified teachers of Technological Education as they gain valuable practical and paid experience in instructional settings which are aligned with the areas of concentration in the candidate's program of professional education. It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to apply for and secure employment as part of working under a MTCQR. Once employed, this certificate may permit eligible TEMS teacher candidates to complete a portion of their practicum requirements while working as a teacher in an Ontario Secondary School.

Next Steps: Coursework Requirements - Fall/Winter One, Summer Two, Fall/Winter Two – During the subsequent five (5) terms of study, TEMS teacher candidates remain enrolled as full-time students attending both online, asynchronous learning and in-person classes during the school year(s). Online classes are asynchronous to allow those employed to fulfil their commitments while continuing their teacher education. During the Fall/Winter terms, in-person classes are held three times each term in Markham, Ontario as outlined in the program schedule*. During the July Summer Two teacher candidates are once again required to attend full-time, in-person classes at the Faculty of Education.

MTCQR: Practicum Requirements – Queen’s University Faculty of Education may permit MTCQR holders in TEMS to complete a percentage or all remaining practicum requirements in their own school board workplace. To be eligible for this opportunity, the teacher candidate must be employed in a qualifying teaching position in an Intermediate/Senior division Technological Education classroom in their respective Broad-Based Technological area and must be supervised and assessed by a senior administrator (e.g. Principal, Vice Principal, and/or their designate) who is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers in good standing. Based on the specific teaching duties performed, and provided that the teacher candidate’s teaching position meets criteria set out by the Faculty of Education, all, or a percentage of the remaining number of practice teaching days required by the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, may be fulfilled in the classroom(s) for which the teacher candidate is responsible.  

Qualifying teaching positions include the following characteristics and features. The teaching position: 

  1. is in an Intermediate/Senior division Technological Education classroom setting. 
  2. involves teaching a group of students for an extended period of time (e.g. four weeks or more). 
  3. utilizes the Ontario Curriculum Guidelines.
  4. involves all aspects of instruction in the teaching role – e.g. professionalism; supporting a community of learners; planning and preparing; lesson presentation; assessment; and classroom management.
  5. is supervised by a senior administrator (e.g. Principal, Vice-Principal, and/or their designate) who is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers in good standing, and who completes a formative and a summative assessment each term. 

*The Technological Education Multi-Session Program is a Consecutive multi-session program of professional education with areas of study in Technological Education subjects at the grades 9/10 and grade 11/12 levels. 

Admission Requirements

Qualifications and assessments of individual academic/work experience combinations are made by the Faculty, and require proof of related postsecondary skilled work. The number of years of work experience needed for each academic background is as follows:

  • Related university degree: A minimum of 2 years experience
  • Related college diploma (3 years): A minimum of 2 years experience
  • Related college diploma (2 years): 3 years experience
  • 1 year of a 2-3 year related college diploma: 4 years experience
  • Tradesperson (Secondary School Graduation Diploma): 5 years experience

*Please note that 1 year equals 1700 hours

Selection is based on the application requirements in TEAS Requirements for Queen's as well as the supplemental documents submitted to Student Services. See How to Apply.

Candidates choose from the following Broad-based Technology (BBT) areas:

  • Communications Technology
  • Computer Technology
  • Construction Technology
  • Green Industries
  • Hairstyling and Aesthetics*
  • Health Care
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Technological Design
  • Transportation Technology*

*Applicants for Hairstyling and Aesthetics or Transportation Technology require a Certificate of Qualification because they are compulsory regulated trades.

Applicants must provide proof of competency in the same Broad-based Technology area to which they are applying in order to teach. This proof is a combination of both academic background and skilled work experience in the same Broad-based Technology. Your work must have been:

  • in business or industry
  • in a location where work would regularly occur
  • monitored, supervised and assessed or evaluated formally documented.

The following do not count as work experience:

  • observing a skilled tradesperson or observing at a work site
  • touring a facility
  • attending a trade show
  • volunteering, such as with Habitat for Humanity
  • supervising, unless you used knowledge and skills directly related to your technology area.

When you complete our Teacher Education program, you will be prepared to teach all broad-based technology areas at the Intermediate (grades 9/10) levels, and courses in the broad-based technology area that you are seeking qualification the Senior (grades 11/12) level.

For more information about secondary school courses, see the following Ministry of Education curriculum documents:

If the content of the secondary school courses you examined matches your technical background AND a minimum range of 2 to 4 skill sets in one Broad-based Technology, then you should apply to that Broad-based Technology.

If your technical background does not match the content of the secondary school courses you have examined, start this process over to consider another Broad-based Technology.

If you do not find that there is a course that matches your technical background, then you do not have the technical background to apply for a teacher education program in Technological Education. The Ontario secondary school curriculum does not address all technical fields.

Official Transcripts 

  • All transcripts submitted must be official, bearing the institutional seal and/or original signature of the institution’s registrar. Photocopied or forwarded transcripts are not acceptable.
  • All transcripts, once received, become the property of Student Services and are not returned to you.
  • Your previous academic credentials must be obtained at an institution providing an academic environment and education that prepares students for potential success in advanced study at Queen’s.

    Official transcripts should consist of:

  • Postsecondary transcripts from each institution you attended.
    • Ontario transcripts: Request your transcript through the TEAS application.
    • Out-of-province transcripts: Request transcripts from the issuing postsecondary institution (including CEGEP, if applicable). 
  • NOTE: Out-of-province and high school transcripts are to be sent directly to or:
    Student Services
    Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
    Room A112, Duncan McArthur Hall
    511 Union Street
    Kingston, ON K7M 5R7
    Attention: Jamie Kincaid

International transcripts

For the Bachelor of Education/Diploma in Education, applicants who obtained a degree from a foreign institution (from non-Canadian or American institutions) must have all international official transcripts evaluated by World Education Services (WES) (ICAP course-by-course assessment).

Note that it can take upwards of six weeks for WES to receive official transcripts from a foreign academic institution, after which point the WES evaluation can take a week or longer to complete. Applicants should begin the evaluation process as early as possible.

Ensure you are on the Canadian page (a maple leaf in the banner). Applicants are responsible for the costs associated with the WES evaluation and any translation required. Applicants must request that WES evaluations be sent directly to Student Services by the official transcript deadline.

If you have questions, please contact Student Services.

Queen’s University attempts each year to admit a student body reflective of the general population of Canada. The Faculty of Education has developed an admission policy regarding equitable representation of groups that are underrepresented in the teaching profession, and has reserved a number of equity admission places in the Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Education Programs. Those who complete the voluntary Equity Admission form will be considered both under the general admission procedure and under the equity admission policy.

Equity Admission Form


English is the language of instruction at Queen’s University and in the schools in Ontario where our teacher candidates carry out their required practice teaching. Applicants who are non-native speakers of English are required to provide evidence of oral and written proficiency in English in one of two ways:

  • Candidates must have studied full-time at least three full years (or the equivalent) at a university where the language of instruction and examination was in English in a country where one of the official languages is English. Time spent in ESL courses or in an ESL program is not counted toward this three-year requirement. Applicants who have attended university other than in North America must submit a letter directly from the university verifying that the language of instruction and examination was English.


  • Candidates must have achieved the required level of proficiency on one of the three tests of English language listed below.

Each of the following language tests has a minimum score that must be attained before the applicant will be considered for admission to the Faculty of Education:

  1. The Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based (TOEFL iBT). The TOEFL iBT test code number 8573 must be used to ensure that the results are forwarded directly to the Faculty of Education. Required test scores: Minimum 24 on the Reading component, 23 on the Listening, 28 on each of the Writing and Speaking components, with a minimum 103 overall.
  2. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Request the Academic test. Required test scores: minimum 6.5 on both the Reading and Listening components, and a minimum of 7.0 on the Writing and Speaking components, with a minimum 7.0 overall.
  3. Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL). Select “Test Takers” from the top bar menu to access information, including test locations and dates. Required test score: Minimum 70 in all 4 categories and minimum 70 overall.

Candidates admitted to the program who are found to have an unsatisfactory command of the English language, either spoken or written, where their language skills interferes with their ability to communicate effectively in the classroom, may be required to take remedial work or may be asked to withdraw from the program.

Finance Your Studies

Tuition and Fees 

Find information about Tuition and Fees on the Registrar’s website (scroll down to the “education” headline and look under Consecutive & Concurrent (final year) heading. 

Financial Aid  

  • Named General Bursaries for the Faculty of Education – there are numerous bursaries available specifically for Faculty of Education students.