Sandy Youmans
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Alexandra (Sandy) Youmans is an adjunct assistant professor at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. She is a former elementary teacher, who is passionate about equipping educational professionals with the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and resources needed to support learner success. Dr. Youmans is a co-investigator of the Assessment and Instruction for Mathematics (AIM) Collective. She was the co-lead of the Critical Transitions in Early Math Community of Practice through the Math Knowledge Network. Dr. Youmans has taught elementary curriculum courses (i.e., Mathematics, Science, Literacy) in the Bachelor of Education program and Professional Master of Education courses on innovative curriculum planning, program evaluation, and collaborative inquiry. She is co-editor of the book, Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early Mathematics Education in Canada (in press with Canadian Scholars). Dr. Youmans co-created the Coalition Model for Professional Development, which was published in the international journal of Teachers and Teaching. Her areas of research interest include elementary mathematics education, collaborative inquiry, adult education, and program evaluation.
Twitter: @DrSandyYoumans
Research Interests
Elementary mathematics education
Collaborative inquiry
Adult education
Program evaluation
Recent Research Projects
Assessment and Instruction for Mathematics (AIM) Collective - SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2022-2025)
Math Knowledge Network’s Critical Transitions in Early Math Development Community of Practice (2017-2022)
CESBA Adult & Continuing Education Study (2020-2022)
A Process and Outcomes Evaluation of Youth Job Connection (2018-2020)
Building Parent Engagement in Math (2017-2019)
Eastern Regional Partnership for Adult Education (2016-2019)
Youmans, A., & Godden, L. (2022). The coalition model for professional development. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.
Youmans, A. Schroeter, E., Cogan, L.E.C. (2019). Supporting early geometry and spatial reasoning in kindergarten: A collaborative inquiry. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 58(4), 30-35.
Youmans, A., Coombs, A., & Colgan, L.E.C. (2018). Early childhood educators’ and teachers’ early math education knowledge, beliefs, and pedagogy. The Canadian Journal of Education, 41(4), 1080-1104.
Youmans, A.S., Kirby, J.R., & Freeman, J.G. (2018). How effectively does the full-day, play-based Kindergarten program in Ontario promote self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy? Journal of Early Child Development and Care, 188(12), 1788-1800.
Egan, R., Stockley, D., Lam, C., Kinderman, L., & Youmans, A.S. (2016). Research Ethics Board (REB) members’ preparation for, and perceived knowledge of research ethics. Journal of Academic Ethics, 14, 191-197.
Youmans, A., & Colgan, L. (Eds.). (in press). Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early mathematics education in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Youmans, A., Colgan, L. Godden, L., Searle, M., & Mendes, B. (in press). Engaging parents in their children’s early math learning. In A. Youmans & L. Colgan (Eds.), Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early mathematics education in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Youmans, A. & Schroeter, E. (in press). Curious minds want to learn: Using curiosity to support early math learning. In A. Youmans & L. Colgan (Eds.), Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early mathematics education in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Colgan, L, Martin, M., Schroeter, E., Youmans, A. (in press). Laying early, strong foundations in spatial thinking and visual understanding: The roots of coding. In A. Youmans & L. Colgan (Eds.), Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early mathematics education in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Youmans, A., Godden, L., & Nielsen Hamlin, H. (in press). Professional learning in adult education: Crucial roles and future actions of networks and networking. In G. Handscomb & C. Brown (Eds.), The Power of Professional Learning Networks – Traversing the Present; Transforming the Future. Melton, Woodbridge (UK): John Catt Educational Ltd.
Godden, L., Youmans, A., & Newman, E. (2021). Implementing the adult education strategy in eastern Ontario: Use of exemplary leadership practices for mobilizing an effective coalition and supporting wellbeing of its members. In B. Kutsyuruba, K. D. Walker, and S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Leadership for Flourishing in Educational Contexts. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Youmans, A., & Godden, L. (2021). How are adult learners supported through adult education credit programs across the province? An interim report. Toronto, ON: CESBA.
Godden, L., & Youmans, A. (2021). Online delivery in adult education during COVID-19: An interim report. Toronto, ON: CESBA.
Kutsyuruba, B., DeLuca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Youmans, A., Hussain, A., LaPointe-McEwan, D., Merchant, S., & Coe-Nesbitt, H. (2020). Final report: Process and early outcomes evaluation of youth job connection program (Prepared for the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development RFS# 3312). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
Youmans, A., & Godden, L. (2020). Adult and continuing education in Ontario: Current state and future opportunities. Toronto, ON: CESBA.
Youmans, A., & Godden, L. (2020). Online delivery in adult continuing education in Ontario: A literature review. Toronto, ON: CESBA.
Godden, L., & Youmans, A. (2019). Case studies of innovative adult education projects in the Eastern Ontario region. Kingston, ON: The Eastern Regional Partnership for Adult Education.
Colgan, L., Godden, L., Searle, M, Youmans, A., Mendes, B., Ashford, T., & Godden, P. (2018). Building parent engagement: A project to support the implementation of Ontario's Renewed Mathematics Strategy – Interim report 2. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
Godden, L., Youmans, A., & Hummel, F. (2018). Sharing and developing innovative best practices within and outside of the Eastern Regional Partnership for Adult Education (ERPAE). Kingston, ON: The Eastern Regional Partnership for Adult Education.
Kutsyuruba, B., DeLuca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Youmans, A., Hussain, A., Stroud-Stasel, R., Coe-Nesbitt, H., & Shewchuk, S. (2018). First interim report: Process and early outcomes evaluation of youth job connection/youth job connection summer program (Prepared for the Ministry of Trades, Colleges and Universities RFS# 3312). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
Kutsyuruba, B., DeLuca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Hussian, A., Youmans, A., Stroud-Stasel, R., Shewchuk, S., & Coe-Nesbitt, H. (2018). Needs of NEET youth: Pathways to positive outcomes (Literature review for the Ministry of Trades, Colleges and Universities RFS# 3312). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
Colgan, L., Godden, L., Searle, M, Youmans, S., Mendes, B., & Ashford, T. (2017). Building parent engagement: A project to support the implementation of Ontario's Renewed Mathematics Strategy – Interim report 1. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
Youmans, S., Godden, L., & Hummell, F. (2017). An environmental scan of adult and continuing education in the eastern Ontario region. Kingston, ON: The Eastern Regional Partnership for Adult Education.
Vanderlee, M. L., Youmans, S., Peters, R., & Eastabrook, J. (2012). Final report: Evaluation of the implementation of the Ontario full-day early learning kindergarten program. Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Faculty of Education, Queen's University.
Vanderlee, M. L., & Youmans, S. (2012). Year one in review: Evaluation of the Ontario full-day early learning kindergarten program. Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Faculty of Education, Queen's University.
Youmans, A., & Godden, L. (in press). Re-envisioning adult and continuing education in Canada to equip adults for the future of work: Insight paper. Montreal, QUE: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Youmans, A., & Schroeter, E. (May, 2021). Is all play created equal? The case for structured play in early math learning. Education Canada.
Schroeter, E., & Youmans, A. (2020, Fall). Supporting school improvement through collaborative inquiry. Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 19-21.
Schroeter, E., Martin, M., Colgan, L., & Youmans, A. (in press). The roots of coding: Spatial sense activities for young learners. Kingston, ON: Math Knowledge Network.
Youmans, A., Schroeter, E., Martin, M., & McLean, T., & Colgan, L. (2021). Building math into your day: Math-y activities for little learners, their family and friends. Kingston, ON: Math Knowledge Network.
Courses Taught
GDE/PME 801 Collaborative Inquiry (online)
GDE/PME 802 Program Inquiry and Evaluation (online)
GDE/PME 831 Innovative Curriculum Planning (online)
CURR 383 Elementary Mathematics
CURR 387 Science and Technology (P/J)
CURR 355 Language and Literacy (P/J)