A white man with glasses and a beard looks at the camera.

Stefan Merchant

Assistant Professor



Assessment and Evaluation

People Directory Affiliation Category

Stefan completed his undergrad in Honours Physics at UBC before landing a job at a particle physics lab. After two years of mesons and pions he realized that pure science was not for him and returned to UBC to complete his BEd in science and mathematics. The move was a fortuitous one as it turns out that education is his real passion. He completed his MEd in Educational Administration at UBC before leaving Canada to work in Singapore and Indonesia, and after 10 years away from academia decided to complete his PhD in educational assessment and measurement at Queen's University. Besides teaching at Queen’s, he researches classroom assessment and uses his skills in the field to consult with varied organizations about assessment and conduct psychometric analyses of high stakes tests. He is currently on the board of the Canadian Educational Research Association.

Research Description 

My primary research is in the field of assessment, specifically the assessment of work habits and learning skills. Because of my quantitative background, I also do work in educational measurement and testing. Assessment and testing are used in many different fields and so my research has taken place in different contexts including K-12 education, medical education, certification exams, and hiring/admissions. I have expertise in a variety of statistical and quantitative methods such as factor analysis, structural equation modeling, surveys and questionnaires, item response theory, and classical test theory.


Selected Publications

Godden, L., Moore, N., Nesbitt, H., & Merchant, S. (2024). Exploring Possibilities! Journeying Through Career-Related Learning in Grades 4–6. A Teaching Toolkit. ISBN: 978-1-988066-85-1. Toronto, ON: CERIC. 

Merchant, S., Kirby J., & Klinger, D. (2023). Assessing Self-Regulation. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 69(1), 20-40.

Merchant, S., Jack, D., & Hermans-Nymark, L. (2023). School districts’ assessment of the French language proficiency of prospective FSL teachers. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 202, 128-140.

Merchant, S., & Jack, D. (2022). From Research to Action – Developing a French language proficiency assessment toolkit. Report prepared for the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association. https://fslresources.opsba.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/OPSBA-FSL-Toolkit-1.pdf

Merchant, S., Rich, J., & Klinger, D. (2022). (In)Stability of test scores. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 201, 15-27. 

Merchant, S. D., Klinger, D., & Kirby, J. (2022). Assessing Learning Skills and Work Habits: What Do Report Card Data Tell Us?. Canadian Journal of Education, 45(3), 670-702.

Merchant, S. D., Rich, J., Klinger, D., & Luce-Kapler, R. (2020). The Enactment of Applied English: Does Caring Lead to Teaching to the Test?. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 43(3), 803-828.

Courses Taught

Graduate Level
EDUC 892 – Topics in Quantitative Research
PME 800 – Self-Regulated Inquiry and Learning
PME 826 – Using Classroom and Large-Scale Assessment Data
PME 827 – Planning and Implementing Classroom Assessment

Undergraduate Level
CURR 351/352 – Introduction to Physics Teaching
EDST/FOCI 210 – Classroom Assessment Theory and Practice
FOUN 101 – Foundations of Assessment
PROF 210 – Self as Learner
PROF 310 – Self as Professional
PROF 411 – Theory and Professional Practice
PROF 508 – Teaching Grade 7 and 8