Holly Ogden smiling in the library

Holly Ogden

Assistant Professor


People Directory Affiliation Category

BAH (Trent), BEd, MEd, PhD (Queen's)

Assistant Professor (Adjunct)

Research Interests 

  • The nature and impact of personal learning in pre-service and continuing teacher education
  • Innovative curriculum design
  • Integrated curriculum to support student learning
  • Contemporary curriculum theory


Dr. Ogden (PhD, Queen’s University) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University.  Holly is a teacher, researcher, and musician who is currently teaching in the ConEd, BEd and PME programs. Holly began her career teaching grades one through six with the Limestone District School Board and her classroom experience informs her research interests. She lives in Sydenham with her husband and two children.  

Courses Taught


CURR 385: Elementary Social Studies

PROF 110: Self as Teacher

CURR 355/385/358: Elementary Curriculum Cluster One (Integrated Elementary Literacy, Social Studies, and Arts (Music, Art, Drama and Dance)

CURR 387/383/358: Elementary Curriculum Cluster Two (Integrated Elementary Science and Technology, Mathematics, and Arts (Music, Art, Drama and Dance)

PROF 410 and PROF 190: Theory and Professional Practice

CURR 393: Elementary Music

CURR 391 Elementary Drama

EDST 230 Understanding Drama in Society

Professional Masters

PME 831: Innovative Curriculum Planning

PME 832: The Connected Classroom

Continuing Teacher Education

CONT 564: Junior Additional Basic Qualification

CONT 563: Primary Additional Basic Qualification