Benjamin Kutsyuruba
Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership, and School Law
Graduate Supervisor
Educational Policy and Leadership
People Directory Affiliation Category
BA, Specialist Diploma (Chernivtsi National University), MEd (University of Saskatchewan), PhD (University of Saskatchewan)
Throughout his career, Benjamin has worked as a teacher, researcher, manager, and professor in the field of education in Ukraine and Canada. For 10 years, Benjamin served as an Associate Director, Social Program Evaluation Group.
Research Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Policy
- Mentorship and coaching
- Teacher Induction, Retention, and Attrition
- Trust, Moral Agency, and Ethical Decision Making in Education
- Organizational/School Culture and Climate
- Educational Change and Reforms
- Legal Issues in Education
- International Education
Courses Taught
- PROF 180: School Law and Policy
- PROF 210: Self as Learner
- PROF 411: Theory and Professional Practice
- FOCI 275: Leadership in Schools
- EDST 275: Understanding Leadership in School Organizations
- EDUC 860: Organizational Studies
- EDUC 861: Policy Studies in Education
- EDUC 862: Educational Leadership
- EDUC 932: Policy Making in Education
Professional Memberships
- International Mentoring Association
- Canadian Association for Study of Educational Administration (CASEA)
- Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
- International Leadership Association (ILA)
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Publication Record
- Da Costa, J., Adams, P., Donlevy, J. K., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K., (2021). A guide to Alberta school law (2nd ed.). Calgary, AB: Turning Point Global.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2021). The lifecycle of trust in education: Leaders as moral agents. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Burgess, D., Walker, K., & Donlevy, K. (2013). A guide to Ontario school law. Kingston, ON: Turning Point Global.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2009). Supervision and professional development: Instructional leadership for beginning teachers. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2008). Teachers’ work in times of uncertainty: Post-Soviet change and teacher collaboration. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
Edited Books
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Cherkowski, C. (Eds.) (in progress). Research handbook of educator wellbeing and resilience. Edward Elgar.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (Eds.). (in press). Mentoring for wellbeing across the professions and disciplines. Emerald.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Kochan, F. (Eds.). (2025). Mentoring for wellbeing in higher education. Information Age Publishing.
- Walker, K. D., & Kutsyuruba, B. (Eds.) (2024). The Emerald handbook of wellbeing in higher education: Global perspectives on students, faculty, leaders, and institutions. Emerald.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Kochan, F. (Eds.). (2024). Mentoring for wellbeing in schools. Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. D. (Eds.). (2021). Leadership for flourishing in educational contexts. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Walker, K. D., Kutsyuruba, B., & Cherkowski, S. (Eds.). (2021). Positive leadership for flourishing schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.Cherkowski, S.,
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (Eds.) (2017). The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective. Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Renihan, P. J., Walker, K. D., Noonan, W., & Kutsyuruba, B. (Eds.). (2008). Organization of public education: Readings on the legal and institutional contexts. University of Saskatchewan.
Book Chapters
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (in press). The need for mentoring in organizations. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. Walker (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing across the professions and disciplines (pp. 1-17). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Walker, K. D., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). Keeping the momentum in promoting wellbeing through mentoring. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. Walker (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing across the professions and disciplines. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Bezzina, C., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). Positive school leadership in teacher induction programs: Promoting wellbeing of early career teachers in Malta. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. Walker (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing across the professions and disciplines. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Hussain, A., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). The Safe Schools legislation in Ontario (2000-2013): Document and policy analyses. In W. Smale (Ed.), Legal aspects of contemporary education. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press.
- Stroud Stasel, R., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). Educator identities and leadership capacity in international schools: Examining acculturative processes of teaching abroad. In E. Samier, D. Taglietti, & F. Deer (Eds.), Indigenous, multiple and transitory identities in educational leadership: changing, multiplying, and transformatory constructions of self and roles. London, UK: Routledge.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Kochan, F. (2025). Promoting wellbeing in higher education settings through mentoring. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in higher education (pp. 1-20). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Cordova, C., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2025). Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on peer mentor self-efficacy and wellbeing. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in higher education (pp. 35-47). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kochan, F., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2025). Wellbeing and mentoring in higher education: An analysis of the present and a blueprint for the future. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in higher education (pp. 170-184). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2024). Towards wellbeing in higher education institutions. In K. D. Walker & B. Kutsyuruba (Eds.), Emerald handbook of wellbeing in higher education: Global perspectives on students, faculty, leaders, and institutions (pp. 1-15). London: Emerald.
- Walker, K. D., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2024). Keeping the momentum for wellbeing in higher education. In K. D. Walker & B. Kutsyuruba (Eds.), The Emerald handbook of wellbeing in higher education: Global perspectives on students, faculty, leaders, and institutions (pp. 345-364). London: Emerald.
- Hill, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2024). Success and flourishing of academic leaders in higher education settings. In K. D. Walker & B. Kutsyuruba (Eds.), The Emerald handbook of wellbeing in higher education: Global perspectives on students, faculty, leaders, and institutions (pp. 199-211). London: Emerald.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2024). Mentoring as a facilitator of wellbeing in schools. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in schools (pp. 1-25). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Parker, B., & Clark, H. (2024). The role of mentoring in early and mid-late career teacher wellbeing. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in schools (pp. 331-343). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Godden, L. (2024). Teacher induction policy development and implementation in Ontario. In J. Wang (Ed.), Teacher induction policy in global contexts: Intentions, implementations, and impact (pp. 145-166). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Aquino, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2024). Distributed leadership and its relationship with school culture: A case study. In Diaz, M. A., Maureira, O. J., & Newton, P. (Eds.), Educational Distributed Leadership. Global perspectives, Methodology challenges and theoretical discussions (pp. 82-110). University of Guadalajara Press.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Kharyati, T., & Arghash, N. (2023). Flourishing as school leaders: Perspectives of Canada’s Outstanding Principals. In B. Carpenter, J. Mahfouz, & K. Robinson (Eds.), Supporting leaders for school improvement through self-care and wellbeing (pp. 73-93). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2023). Flourishing school leadership: A model for principal wellbeing. In B. Carpenter, J. Mahfouz, & K. Robinson (Eds.), Supporting leaders for school improvement through self-care and wellbeing (pp. 223–239). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2023). Document analysis. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 139-146). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_23
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Dos-Santos Mendes, B. (2023). Biographic narrative interpretive method. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 1-10). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_10
- Godden, L., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2023). Hermeneutic phenomenology. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 225-230). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_36
- Stroud Stasel, R., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2023). Narrative inquiry. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 1-8). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_51
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Basch, J. (2023). Metaphor analysis. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 1-7). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_50
- Kutsyuruba, B., & McWatters, S. (2023). Hermeneutics. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Varieties of qualitative research methods (pp. 1-6). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04394-9_35
- Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Ragoonaden, K., Godden, L., & Claypool, T. (2022). Promoting flourishing and wellbeing in organizations through positive leadership. In S. K. Dhiman, J. F. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, P. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of global leadership and followership: Integrating the best leadership theory and practice. Singapore: Springer International. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75831-8_28-1
- Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Assessing and promoting servant leadership in a Catholic school system. In S. Dhiman, & G. Roberts (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership (pp. 1-25). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69802-7_84-1
- Kutsyuruba, B., Stroud Stasel, R. (2022). Teachers called to stewardship: The servant leader identity in K-12 schools. In S. Dhiman, & G. Roberts (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership (pp. 1-23). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69802-7_71-1
- Nsiah, J., Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B., (2022). Servant leadership in action: Stories of four high school principals. In S. Dhiman, & G. Roberts (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership (pp. 1-37). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69802-7_85-1
- Dos-Santos Mendes, B., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Developing resilience of novice female administrators. In I. Marshall, G.-A. Jackman, & D. Armstrong (Eds.), The early years of leadership: The journey begins (pp. 3-33). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Leadership for flourishing: Positive approaches to relationship building. In Glanz, J. (Ed.), Managing today's schools: New skills for school leaders in the 21st century. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Kutsyuruba, B. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. D. (2021). Striving toward well-being: Creating conditions and structures for flourishing in education. In B. Kutsyuruba, S. Cherkowski, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Leadership for flourishing in educational contexts (pp. 1-15). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Walker, K. D., Cherkowski, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2021). Momentum for future striving. In B. Kutsyuruba, S. Cherkowski, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Leadership for flourishing in educational contexts (pp. 315-328). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Al Makhamreh, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2021). The role of relational and positive leadership withindoctoral supervision context. In B. Kutsyuruba, S. Cherkowski, & K. D. Walker (Eds.), Leadership for flourishing in educational contexts (pp. 293-314). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Kharyati, T., & Arghash, N. (2021). Exploring the sense of flourishing among Canada’s Outstanding Principals. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 231–252). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., & Bosica, J. J. (2021). School administrators’ engagement in teacher induction: The impact on early career teachers’ well-being and success. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 105–124). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., & Cherkowski, S. (2021). Introduction: Positive leadership as a catalyst for flourishing learning communities. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 1-13). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2021). Concluding thoughts: Animating flourishing through the values of purpose, passion, play, presence. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 371-380). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., MacCormack, J., Khanna, N., McCart, S., & Freeman, J., (2018). Critical factors for youth thriving: The ARC model. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Eds.), Perspectives on flourishing in schools (pp. 127-147). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Klinger, D., & Hussain, A. (2018). The impact of positive school climate on student wellbeing and achievement. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Eds.), Perspectives on flourishing in schools (pp. 69-89). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Murray, J. (2018). Understanding pre-service teachers’ legal literacy and experiences with legal issues in practicum settings. In W. Smale (Ed.), Perspectives on Canadian educational law and policy (pp. 437-464). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kharyati, T. & Kutsyuruba, B. (2018). Understanding the impact of Quebec’s Bill 56 on school administrators’ work in maintaining positive school climate. In W. Smale (Ed.), Perspectives on Canadian educational law and policy (pp. 287-327). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2017). Introduction: Exploring the pan-Canadian terrain of early career teaching. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 1-17). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2017). The bliss and blisters of early career teaching in Canada: Where do we go from here? In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 459-456). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2017). Mapping out the early career teachers’ needs: Findings from the pan-Canadian new teacher survey. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 21-46). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Godden, L. (2017). Pan-Canadian document analysis study of teacher induction and mentoring programs and policies. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 157-179). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Al Makhamreh, M., & Stroud Stasel, R. (2017). Exploring the experiences and perceptions of the Canadian new teachers. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 103-133). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Godden, L., & Matheson, I. A. (2017). What contextual factors affect the early career teachers? In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 387-406). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2017). The destructive effect of distrust: Leaders as brokers of trust in organizations. In A. Normore & J. Brooks (Eds.) The dark side of leadership: Identifying and overcoming unethical practice in organizations (pp. 133-154). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2017). The seven deadly narratives of leadership: Why otherwise good leaders sometimes do foolish, hurtful and even evil things. In A. Normore & J. Brooks (Eds.) The dark side of leadership: Identifying and overcoming unethical practice in organizations (pp. 207-233). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2017). Examining education reforms through document analysis methodology. In I. Silova, A. Korzh, S. Kovalchuk, & N. Sobe (Eds.), Reimagining utopias: Theory and method for educational research in post-socialist contexts (pp. 199-214). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2016). Teachers’ work in times of ideological and philosophical uncertainty in post-Soviet Ukraine. In Samier, E. (Ed.), Ideologies in educational administration and leadership (pp. 93-105). London, UK: Routledge.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Burgess, D., & Donlevy, J. K. (2014). Why law matters—or ought to matter—to teachers. In D. Burgess, K. Walker, J. Chomos, & J. K. Donlevy (Eds.), A guide to Saskatchewan school law (3rd ed., pp. 3 - 13). Saskatoon, SK: Turning Point Global.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2014). Bologna process and teacher education reforms in Eastern Europe: Exploring the changing policy terrain in Ukraine. In R. Bruno-Jofre, and J. S. Johnston (Eds.), Teacher education in a transnational world (pp. 291-306). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2012). Mentorship of beginning teachers: The Canadian context. In R. Yirci, and I. Kocabaṣ (Eds.), Mentoring practices around the world (pp. 173-200). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2011). Mentorship of teachers across the intergenerational gap. In E. Ralph, & K. Walker (Eds.), Adapting mentorship across the professions (pp. 157-175). Calgary, AB: Temeron/Detselig. (refereed)
- Chin, P., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2011). The potential of Adaptive Mentorship model in teacher education practicum settings. In E. Ralph, & K. Walker (Eds.), Adapting mentorship across the professions (pp. 361-378). Calgary, AB: Temeron/Detselig.
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Ragoonaden, K., Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Claypool, T., & Godden, L. (in press). Teacher education, wellbeing and a sense of belonging. Canadian Journal of Education.
- Bezzina, C., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). Organization of teacher education and mentoring in Malta: School principals’ perspective. International Journal of Changes in Education.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Bosica, J., & Stroud Stasel, R. (in press). Generational view on early career teaching in Canada: Perspectives of the millennial teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Harback, A., Huizenga, H., & Kutsyuruba, B. (in press). PERMA related practices, rhythms, and commitments that positively influence teacher wellbeing: Perspectives from teachers in British Columbia. Journal of Teaching and Learning.
- Youmans, A., Hussain, A., Godden, L., Kutsyuruba, B., Butler, A., Deluca, C., & Shewchuk, S. (2024). Meeting the employment needs of marginalized youth: A review of promising youth employment programs. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 15(4), 66-86. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ijcyfs/article/view/22219
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Walker, K. D. (2024). Teacher induction policy development and implementation: A case of Ontario’s New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP). International Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy, 20(2), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.22230/ijepl.2024v20n2a1337
- Kutsyuruba, B., Arghash, N., Al Makhamreh, M. (2024). School leader well-being: Perceptions of Canada’s Outstanding Principals. Education Sciences, 14(667), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14060667
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Bezzina, C. (2024). ¬¬Head of school engagement in teacher induction and mentoring in Malta. European Journal of Educational Management, 7(2), 109 - 124. https://doi.org/10.12973/eujem.7.2.109
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Bezzina, C. (2024). Teacher induction and mentoring in Malta: A review of the literature. Education Thinking, 4(1), 39–59. https://pub.analytrics.org/article/17/
- Kutsyuruba, B., Arghash, N., Kharyati, T., & Bosica, J. J. (2024). Flourishing school leadership: Perspectives of Canada’s Outstanding Principals. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 204, 17-40. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/77552
- Kutsyuruba, B., Arghash, N., & Basch, J. (2024). Flourishing among Canada’s Outstanding Principals: The role of resilience. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2024.2334260
- Al Makhamreh, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2023). Ethical leadership: The role of ethical competencies in doctoral supervision context in Canada. International Journal for Leadership in Learning, 23(1), 73–106. https://doi.org/10.29173/ijll33
- Youmans, A., Kutsyuruba, B., Butler, A., Godden, L., Hussain, A., Coe-Nesbitt, H., Stroud Stasel, R., & Deluca, C. (2023). Marginalized youth and their journey to work: A literature review. Education Thinking, 3(1), 61-82. https://pub.analytrics.org/article/14/
- Hill, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2023). Developing academic leaders in higher education: Significance of the context for effective leadership development. Journal of Quality in Higher Education (Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior), 14(1), 230–266. https://doi.org/10.22458/caes.v14i1.4697
- Gebczynski, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Veteran teachers’ perceptions of principals’ leadership influence on school culture. International Journal for Leadership in Learning, 22(1), 265-304. https://doi.org/10.29173/ijll13
- Coe-Nesbitt, H. A., Soleas, E., Moucessian, A. M., Arghash N., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2021). Conceptualizing thriving among graduate students: A mixed-methods study of a multi-dimensional and elusive construct. Frontiers in Education, 6(704135), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2021.704135
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2021). Early career teaching progression: Examining the Canadian beginning teachers’ experiences in their first five years in the profession. The New Educator, 18(1-2), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/1547688X.2021.1940406
- Al Makhamreh, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2021). The role of trust in doctoral student – supervisor relationships in Canadian universities: The students’ lived experiences and perspectives. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(2), 124-138. https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v21i2.4124
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). School administrator engagement in teacher induction and mentoring: Findings from the state-wide and district-wide programs. International Journal of Educational Policy and Leadership, 16(18), 1-37. https://doi.org/10.22230/ijepl.2020v16n18a1019
- Walker, K. D., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). Upgrading downsizing: Ethics and personnel reductions in declining organizations. European Journal of Educational Management, 3(2), 51-65. https://doi.org/10.12973/eujem.3.2.51
- Mukamurera, J., Lakhal, S., et Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). Les programmes d’insertion professionnelle pour les enseignants débutants au Québec : mesures offertes et retombées perçues. Canadian Journal of Education, 43(4), 1035-1070. https://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/4449
- Al Makhamreh, M., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). Leadership self-efficacy (LSE) in doctoral programs: Examining the supervisors’ lived experiences in Canadian universities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 1(2), 7-23. https://dx.doi.org/10.29252/johepal.1.2.7
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L. & Walker, K. (2020). The effect of contextual factors on school leaders’ involvement in early-career teacher mentoring: A review of the international research literature. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 5(3), 672-710. https://doi.org/10.30828/real/2020.3.3
- Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., Crawford, M., & Walker, K. D. (2020). Conceptualizing leadership and emotions in higher education: Wellbeing as wholeness. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2020.1828315
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2020). Examining the early career teachers’ needs: Findings from the pan-Canadian survey. Teacher Learning and Professional Development, 5(1), 15-36. https://journals.sfu.ca/tlpd/index.php/tlpd/article/view/73
- Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2020). Positive leadership: Animating purpose, presence, passion, and play for flourishing in schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 58(4), 401-415. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-04-2019-0076
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2020, April 30). The role of school principal in induction and mentoring of early career teachers. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.659
- Mukamurera, J., Tardif, M. et Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). Comment les nouveaux enseignants perçoivent et évaluent le rôle de soutien des directions d’établissement lors de leur insertion ? Apprendre et enseigner aujourd’hui, 9(2), 27-31. https://conseil-cpiq.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/REVUE-PRINTEMPS-2020_WEB.pdf
- Kutsyuruba, B., Murray, J., & Hogenkamp, S. (2019). Understanding pre-service teachers’ legal literacy and experiences with legal issues in practicum placements: An exploratory study. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 191, 54-71. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/61770
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Godden, L. (2019). The role of mentoring and coaching as a means of supporting the well-being of educators? International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(4), 229-234. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMCE-12-2019-081
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Bosica, J. J. (2019). The impact of mentoring on the Canadian early career teacher’s well-being. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(4), 285-309. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMCE-02-2019-0035
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Walker, K. (2019). Contextual factors in early career teaching: A systematic review of international research on teacher induction and mentoring programs. Journal of Global Education and Research, 3(2), 85-123. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/2577-509X.3.2.1057
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Al Makhamreh, M., & Stroud Stasel, R. (2019). Developing resilience and promoting well-being in early career teaching: Advice from the Canadian beginning teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 42(1), 285-321.
- Walker, K. D., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2019). The role of school administrators in providing early career teachers’ support: A pan-Canadian perspective. International Journal of Educational Policy and Leadership (Special Issue on the Role of School Administrator in Canada), 14(3), 1-18. https://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/3511
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Al Makhamreh, M., & Stroud Stasel, R. (2018). Attrition, retention, and development of early career teachers: Pan-Canadian narratives. In Education, 24(1), 43-71. https://doi.org/10.37119/ojs2018.v24i1.376
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Godden, L. (2017). Creating supportive school cultures for beginning teachers: Mitigating the cultural contextual factors. International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership, 24(2), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.18848/2329-1656/CGP/v24i02/1-18
- Picard, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2017). Teachers’ engagement in professional development: A collective case study. Educational Policies and Current Practices, 2(2), 89-110. https://doi.org/10.15340/21473501221011
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Noonan, B. (2016). The trust imperative in the principalship: The Canadian perspective. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 15(3), 343-372. https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2016.1164866
- Kutsyuruba, B., Christou, T., Heggie, L., Murray, J., & Deluca, C. (2015). Teacher collaborative inquiry in Ontario: An analysis of provincial and school board policies and support documents. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 172, 1-38. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42879
- Kutsyuruba, B., Klinger, D., & Hussain, A. (2015). Relationships between school climate/school safety, and student achievement and well-being: A review of the literature. Review of Education, 3(2), 103-135. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3043
- Kutsyuruba, B., Klinger, D., & Hussain, A. (2015). Context and implications document for: Relationships between school climate/school safety, and student achievement and well-being: A review of the literature. Review of Education, 3(2), 136-137. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3045
- Cherkowski, S., Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2015). Principals’ moral agency and ethical decision-making: Toward a transformational ethics. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 10(5), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.22230/ijepl.2015v10n5a572
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2015). The role of trust in developing teacher leaders through early-career induction and mentoring programs. Antistasis: An Open Educational Journal, 5(1), 32-36. https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/antistasis/article/view/22859
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Kovalchuk, S. (2015). Stated or actual change in policy terrain? Review of the literature on the Bologna Process implementation within the context of teacher education in Ukraine. Journal of Ukrainian Politics and Society, 1(1), 33-57. https://jups.krytyka.com/articles/stated-or-actual-change-policy-terrain-review-literature-bologna-processimplementation
- Khanna, N., MacCormack, J., Kutsyuruba, B., McCart, S., & Freeman, J. (2015). “Discovering” critical factors for youth thriving: Using Grounded Theory rigorous review method. Graduate Student Symposium: Selected Papers, 9, 35-50. http://hdl.handle.net/1974/12759
- Chaleunsouk, L., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2014). Ontario schools’ readiness for School Food and Beverage Policy implementation. Educational Policies and Current Practices, 1(1), 13-29. https://doi.org/10.15340/2147350111819
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Tregunna, L. (2014). Curbing the early-career attrition: A pan-Canadian document analysis of teacher induction and mentorship programs. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 161, 1-42. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42868
- Godden, L., Tregunna, L., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2014). Collaborative application of the Adaptive Mentorship © model: The professional and personal growth within a research triad. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(2), 125-140. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMCE-09-2013-0054
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Cherkowski, S. (2014). The grounds and strategies for ethical decision-making in Canadian principalship. Management Education: An International Journal, 13(3), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-8005/CGP/v13i03/50862
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2014). The lifecycle of trust in educational leadership: An ecological perspective. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 18(1), 106-121. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2014.915061
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2013). Teacher collaboration in times of uncertainty and societal change: The case study of post-Soviet Ukraine. European Education, 45(1), 25-49. https://doi.org/10.2753/EUE1056-4934450102
- Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2013). Ethical challenges in school administration: Perspectives of Canadian principals. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 12(3), 85-99. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-8013/CGP/v12i03/50919
- Kwiczala, C., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2012). The impacts of a community-based tutoring and mentoring program on Portuguese-Canadians. Portuguese Studies Review, 20(1), 79-100. https://shorturl.at/Elb4H
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2012). Teacher induction and mentorship policies: The pan-Canadian overview. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 1(3), 235-256. https://doi.org/10.1108/20466851211279484
- Segeren, A., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2012). Twenty years and counting: An examination of the development of equity and inclusive education policy in Ontario (1990-2010). Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 136, 1-38. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42836
- Walker, K. D., Kutsyuruba, B., & Bishop-Yong, N. (2011). The principle of Best Interests of Students in the principalship. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 22(2), 27-60. https://shorturl.at/guzXY
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2011). Potential for teacher collaboration in post-Soviet Ukraine. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(5), 541-551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2010.12.006
- Walker, K., Kutsyuruba, B., & Noonan, B. (2011). The fragility of trust in the world of school principals. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(5), 471-494. https://doi.org/10.1108/09578231111159502
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Noonan, B. (2011). Restoring broken trust in the work of school principals. International Studies in Educational Administration, 39(2), 81-95. https://shorturl.at/Soabm
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2011). Teacher collaboration, mentorship, and intergenerational gap in post-Soviet Ukrainian schools. International Journal of Educational Reform, 20(3), 226-255. https://doi.org/10.1177/10567879110200030
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2011). Education in the period of post-Soviet transition in Ukraine. Demokratizatsiya: Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 19(3), 287-309. https://demokratizatsiya.pub/archives/19_3_J57410H66R1H7404.pdf
- Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Noonan, B., (2010). The ecology of trust in the principalship. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 21(1), 23-47. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/ecology-trust-principalship/docview/867835819/se-2
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2009). Getting off on the right foot: Guiding beginning teachers with instructional supervision and professional development. International Journal of Learning, 16(2), 257-277. https://doi.org/10.18848/1447-9494/CGP/v16i02/46115
- Noonan, B., Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2008). Trust in the contemporary principalship. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 85, 1-11. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42766
Papers in Non-Refereed Journals
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2008, January). Instructional supervision and professional development of beginning teachers: Relationship between supervision and professional development. SSBA (Saskatchewan School Based Administrators) Newsletter, 37, 4.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2007, November). Instructional supervision and professional development of beginning teachers: Supervisory preferences. SSBA (Saskatchewan School Based Administrators) Newsletter, 36, 3.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2007, February). Saskatchewan update. RESOLVE (Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse) News, 9(1) 4.
Technical Reports
- Kutsyuruba, B., Cherkowski, S., Walker, K., Ragoonaden, K., Claypool, T., Godden, L., & Basch, J. (2024). Developing wellbeing capacity in pre-service teachers across Canada. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Deluca, C., Butler, A., Youmans, A. Godden, L., Hussain, A., Merchant, S., & Bosica, J. J. (2020). Impact Evaluation of Youth Job Connection Program (Prepared for the Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Deluca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Youmans, A., Hussain, A., Stroud Stasel, R., Nesbitt, H., LaPointe-McEwan, D., Merchant, S., McGregor, S., & Bosica, J. J. (2020). Process and Early Outcomes Evaluation of Youth Job Connection/Youth Job Connection-Summer Program (Prepared for the Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Deluca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Hussain, A., Youmans, A., Stroud Stasel, R., Nesbitt, H., Shewchuk, S., Bozek, E., & McGregor, S. (2019). Second Interim Report: Process and Early Outcomes Evaluation of Youth Job Connection/Youth Job Connection-Summer Program (Prepared for the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Deluca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Hussain, A., Youmans, A., Stroud Stasel, R., Shewchuk, S., & Nesbitt, H. (2018). First Interim Report: Process and Early Outcomes Evaluation of Youth Job Connection/Youth Job Connection-Summer Program (Prepared for the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Deluca, C., Butler, A., Godden, L., Hussain, A., Youmans, A., Stroud Stasel, R., Shewchuk, S., & Nesbitt, H. (2018). Needs of NEET youth: Pathways to positive outcomes. Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., Matheson, I., & Walker, K. (2016). The Pan-Canadian document analysis study: Understanding the role of teacher induction and mentoring programs in teacher attrition and retention. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Covell, L., Matheson, I., & Walker, K. (2016). Understanding the contextual factors within teacher induction and mentoring programs: An international systematic review of research. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
- Kutsyuruba, B. (2016). The role of school administrator in effective teacher induction and mentoring programs. Santa Cruz, CA: New Teacher Center.
- Bolden, B., Christou, T., DeLuca, C., Klinger, D., Kutsyuruba, B., Pyper, J., Lyn Shulha, L., & Wade-Woolley, L. (2014). Professional Learning Cultures: An Evaluation of Collaborative Inquiry in Ontario Elementary Schools (Report to the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, RFS #1339). Toronto, ON: Ontario Ministry of Education.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Tregunna, L. (2013). Early-career teacher attrition and retention: A pan-Canadian document analysis of teacher induction and mentorship programs (Final Report). Kingston, ON: Queen's University.
- Khanna, N., MacCormack, J., Kutsyuruba, B., McCart, S., & Freeman, J. (2013). Youth that thrive: A review of critical factors and effective programs for 12-25 year olds (Report to YMCA of Greater Toronto and United Way Toronto). Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group/The Students Commission of Canada, Center of Excellence for Youth Engagement.
- Kutsyuruba, B., Klinger, D., & Hussain, A. (2012). Relationships between school climate/school safety, and student achievement and well-being. (Literature Review Report to the Ottawa Carleton District School Board). Ottawa, ON: OCDSB.
- Klinger, D. A., Kutsyuruba, B., Shulha, L. M., Wade-Woolley, L., & Boulé, S. (2011). An evaluation of the state, changes, and influences of the Ontario’s School Effectiveness Framework (Report to the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, RFS #592). Toronto, ON: Ontario Ministry of Education.
- Sackney, L., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2008). Calendar year review: Prairie Valley School Division #208. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Kemp, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2007). Community and Youth Leadership principles, practices, and processes: A review and synthesis of the literature. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Renihan, P., Kutsyuruba, B., & Ferguson, S. (2006). Kerrobert Composite High School: A school effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Renihan, P., Brennan, H., Kutsyuruba, B., & Konok, I. (2005). McKitrick Community School: A school effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Renihan, P., Kutsyuruba, B., & Nsiah, J. (2005). Battleford Central School: A school effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Gulka, B., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2005). Rivier Elementary School: A school effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Sackney, L., Bens, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2005). Connaught School: A school effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Walker, K., Noonan, W., Bens, S., Dollar, S., Kent-Wilkinson, A., Kutsyuruba, B., & Sankhulani, E. (2004). School effectiveness review of Walter Aseltine School. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
- Renihan, P., Julien, R., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2003). Ecole Monseigneur Blaise Morand: An effectiveness review. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.