Lindsay Morcom smiling in a hallway

Lindsay Morcom

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies


Graduate Supervisor

Language Revitalization and Decolonizing Education


355 King St. Room 346B

People Directory Affiliation Category

BA, MA (Regina), PhD (Oxford)

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies


Canada Research Chair in Language Revitalization and Decolonizing Education

Dr. Lindsay Morcom (Ardoch Algonquin First Nation) is a professor at the Faculty of Education. She earned her Master’s degree in Linguistics at First Nations University through the University of Regina in 2006. She then completed her doctorate in General Linguistics and Comparative Philology as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University in 2010. She is an interdisciplinary researcher with experience in education, Aboriginal languages, language revitalization, linguistics, and reconciliation. She is of Anishinaabe, Black Sea German, and French heritage and embraces the distinct responsibility this ancestry brings to her research. She is an active member of the Kingston urban Indigenous community and works collaboratively with the Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest to foster urban Indigenous language revitalization.

Research Interests

  • Indigenous education
  • Indigenous languages
  • Language documentation and revitalization
  • Morphology
  • Language typology
  • Functional and cognitive linguistics


Refereed Publications

Morcom, L. A., and Freeman, K. (2018). Niinwi-Kiinwa-Kiinwi: Building non-Indigenous allies in education. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(3), 584-609.

Davis, L., Hare, J., Hiller, C., Morcom, L.A., and Taylor, L. (2018). Challenges, possibilities, and responsibilities: Sharing stories and critical questions for changing classrooms and academic institutions. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 40(1), 1-13. (Note that authorship is alphabetical due to equal contributions from all authors).

Davis, L., Hare, J., Hiller, C., Morcom, L.A., and Taylor, L. (2018). Conversations about Indigenizing, decolonizing, and transformative pedagogical practices. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 40(1), 13-36. (Note that authorship is alphabetical due to equal contributions from all authors).

Schaefli, L., Godlewska, A., Coombs, A., Rose, J., Morcom, L.A., and Korteweg, L. (2018). What do first-year university students in Ontario, Canada know about First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people and topics? Canadian Journal of Education, 41(3), 584-621.

Morcom, L. A. (2017). Self-esteem and cultural identity in Aboriginal language immersion kindergarteners. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 16(6), 365-380.

Morcom, L. A. (2017). Indigenous holistic education in philosophy and practice, with wampum as a case study. Foro de Educación, 15(23), 121-138.

Morcom, L. A, and Roy, S. (2017). Is early immersion effective for Aboriginal language acquisition? A case study from an Anishinaabemowin kindergarten. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Morcom, L. A. and Roy, S. (2017). Learning through language: Academic success in an Aboriginal language immersion kindergarten. Journal of American Indian Education, 56(2), 57-80.

Whitinui, P., McIvor, O., Robertson, B., and Morcom, L.A. (2015). The World Indigenous Research Alliance (WIRA): Mediating and mobilizing indigenous peoples’ educational knowledge and aspirations. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(120), 1-22.

Morcom, L.A. (2014). Determining the role of language and culture in First Nations schools: A comparison of the First Nations Education Act with the policy of the Assembly of First Nations. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 163.

Book and Reference Chapters

Morcom, L.A. (2018). Wigwametry: Exploring complex science, technology, engineering and mathematics through Indigenous structural design. In M. Peters (ed). Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory: Living Edition. Singapore: Springer.

Morcom, L.A. (2017). Balancing the spirit in Aboriginal Catholic education in Ontario. University of Toronto Press. In R. Bruno-Jofré & J. Igelmo (Eds.), Education in the Wake of Vatican II (pp. 259-279). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Morcom, L.A., Davis, J., & Freeman, K. (2017). Rising like the thunderbird: The reclamation of Indigenous teacher education. In T. Christou (Ed.), Canadian Teacher Education: A Curriculum History (pp. 23-40). New York: Routledge.


Morcom, L.A. (Accepted). Weighing the benefits of Aboriginal language immersion. Canadian Journal of Native Studies.

Davis, J., Morcom, L., & St. Amant, D. (Accepted). 4 aspects of Indigenous pedagogy. In B. Bolden, T. Christou, C. DeLuca, M. Ingersoll, H. Ogden, & J. Wearing (Eds.), Key Concepts in Curriculum Studies: Perspectives on the Fundamentals.

MacCormack, J., & Morcom, L. (Submitted). The role of EAs in helping ‘little delegates’ form self-determined identities. In M. Harber & A. Rao (Eds.), The Role of an Education Assistant: Supporting Inclusion and Diversity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars.


Morcom, L., and Sweeney, M. (2014). The Three Tiered Trial: Achieving Synergy in Training Improvement. Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy Press.

Journal Editing

Hare, J., Davis, L., Morcom, L.A., Hiller, C., and Taylor, L. (Eds). (2018). Canadian Journal of Native Education: Special Issue on Indigenization, Decolonization and Reconciliation: Critical Considerations and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Weichel, L.A. (2008). Grammatical radial categories in the languages of the Northwest Coast. Proceedings of the Second Oxford Postgraduate Linguistics Conference.

Weichel, L.A. (2005). A text-based analysis of the Pokomchi’ language. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, 17, 235-244.

Weichel, L.A. (2004). The demarcation of nouns and verbs in various Amerindian languages. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, 17, 129-142.

Book Reviews

Morcom, L.A. (2010). Review of Gradience, Gradualness, and Grammaticalization. Linguist List Book Reviews.

Practitioner Articles and Essays

Freeman, K., Mcdonald, S., and Morcom, L.A. (2018). Truth and reconciliation in YOUR classroom. Education Canada, 58(2), 10-13. (Note that authorship is alphabetical due to equal contributions from all authors).

Morcom, L.A. (2014). Aboriginal teacher education: The circle continues. Queen’s Education Letter, Spring/Summer 2014: 24-27.

Morcom, L.A. (2013). Aboriginal Language and School Success: What Can I Expect for my Child? M’Chigeeng First Nation: Kejgewin Teg Educational Institute.

Training Material

Morcom, L.A. (2014). Aboriginal perspectives. Forest and Nature Schools in Canada: A Head, Heart, Hands Approach to Outdoor Learning. Pp. 13-15. Ottawa: Forest and Nature Schools Canada.

Huffam, C., and Morcom, L.A.. (2012). Handbook on Evidence-Based Research Methodology. Handbook produced for use within the Canadian Armed Forces.

Morcom, L.A. (2008). A Discussion of Personal Development as a Teacher at the Post-Secondary Level, with a Focus on Fairness in Assessment. Research paper for Associate Fellowship in the Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom, now used as a model document.

Media Articles and Appearances