Two young black children giggle while performing a science experiment and wearing safety goggles

Our Continuing Teacher Education unit has launched a new three-part Additional Qualification series, Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice. This three course series will help you to amplify the voices of Black learners, reimagine curriculum and pedagogical practices to maximize Black learner achievement, address personal and professional biases, and reimagine the systemic change required to dismantle anti-Black racism at all levels. 

The series is made up of three courses: 

  1. CONT710: Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice, Part 1 (Ontario
  2. CONT711: Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice, Part 2 (Ontario
  3. CONT712: Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice, Specialist (Ontario

Find out more about our Three-Part AQ Courses