The Knowledge Forum Fall Series: Teaching During a Pandemic
Thursday November 12, 20203:30 pm - 4:30 pm
VirtualEvent Category
Join us this fall for a series of presentations and discussions exploring the theme of teaching during a pandemic.
Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Click links to register!
All sessions will be presented over Zoom.
Presented by Dr. Andrew Campbell
In this first session of the Knowledge Forum Fall Series, Dr. Andrew Campbell will speak about diversity in the online classroom: what it looks like, how to address it, and best practices for an inclusive environment. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A where all are welcome to ask Dr. Campbell questions and share experiences.
Presented by Drs Amanda Cooper and Kristy Timmons
In this session of the Knowledge Forum Fall Series, Drs. Amanda Cooper and Kristy Timmons will share their research on the implementation and impact of remote teaching and learning initiatives in K-12 contexts. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A where all are welcome to ask questions and share experiences.
Featuring a panel of our alumni
In this session of the Knowledge Forum Fall Series we are joined by Queen's Faculty of Education alumni as they share their experiences teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session will be moderated by Associate Dean Dr. Peter Chin. The panel will be followed by a Q&A where all are welcome to ask questions and share experiences.

Daniel Troisi (Ed'18) is a recent graduate of Queen's Faculty of Education. A Red Seal Chef by trade and graduate of the University of Guelph's Hospitality & Tourism Management program, he believes in the merit of experiential learning opportunities in the classroom. Daniel is currently teaching senior level Hospitality & Tourism classes. He is the SHSM and Dual credit lead as well as boys football coordinator for his school.

Emily Moorehead (Ed'03) is a Kindergarten teacher with the Limestone District School Board. Within a play-based kindergarten program, she ensures a sound start for early readers and spellers by employing structured literacy as a way to connect and build strong foundational skills. Through playful and joyful daily literacy activities, Emily’s little learners grow into readers! Routines practiced and learned at school allowed for a smooth transition to remote learning - and ensured that the learning continued even when schools were closed.
Rosalie Griffith (ConEd'98) has been working for the Toronto District School Board, the largest school board in the country, for over twenty years since leaving her second home of Queen's, where she was the Education Students’ Society President in her final year. She has experience teaching at the elementary, secondary and postsecondary level, with “gifted” and “marginalized” students, in suburban and urban settings, including work with students of First Nations communities. She has qualifications in Guidance, Library, ESL, and Adolescent Literacy and in 2016 she became an Administrator at the secondary level.