Alexandra started the PME program in July 2021 in the Assessment and Evaluation stream. Read on to learn more about her professional journey and PME experience!
I completed my BEd at Queen’s with a concentration in assessment and evaluation. It was an easy decision to continue learning about this are by taking the assessment and evaluation concentration in the PME program as well. As someone who does not teach in a traditional classroom setting, I felt that assessment and evaluation was an area of education that could not only be applied to aspects of my current job, but to roles I may have in the future in or outside of the field of education.
Current Occupation:
I work at the Regional Assessment Resource Centre (RARC) at Queen's University as part of their Transition Team, which runs a number of programs that prepare students with learning disabilities, ADHD, ASD and mental health disorders transition successfully to secondary and post-secondary school. I help to plan and facilitate these programs as well as coordinate multi-media initiatives.
Advice for New Students:
There are a few pieces of advice I would give to new students. The summer and spring semesters are quite short, with only 6 weeks so it goes by in the blink of an eye! Given the short nature of these semesters, it is important to stay on top of coursework and assignments from the beginning, especially if you are taking 2 courses in a semester. I would also recommend scheduling your "heavier" courses during the fall or winter semesters if possible as they are 10 weeks long, and this helps to ensure that the course load does not become overwhelming. Many of us in the PME program are working professionals, and juggling full-time jobs, families and school. This of course is no easy feat, so it is important that if you are ever struggling or in need of some support to reach out to your professors. All the professors I've had, have been exceptionally understanding, supportive and helpful. They have truly made the PME experience wonderful thus far!
Advice for prospective candidates:
When I was in your shoes, speaking to current a PME student provided me with invaluable insight into the program, what I could expect, and helpful strategies. I would like to "pay it forward" and do the same for others, so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions you'd like to ask a current PME student! I can be reached at 13ab144@queensu.ca.