Beeswax warps on a wooden tableI was fortunate enough to spend my Queen’s Alternative Practicum in Uganda, engaging in one of many projects from the Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation (ASTCF). This organization works on a vast range of projects pertaining to the environment, wildlife, education, women’s rights, and social justice. The bulk of my time in Uganda was spent teaching environmental education at a village school, to roughly seven hundred primary students. The ASTCF organization operates purely on donation and the time of its members and international volunteers. Given this, I wanted to do something in return for the incredible life-changing experience the country and people were going to be gifting me with. Rather than using an online platform to raise money or asking friends and family, I created Meg’s Beeswax Wrap so it could serve as a fundraising campaign for ASTCF.

Starting up Meg’s Beeswax Wrap

In the beginning of 2019, I became deeply aware of the detrimental effects of single use plastic and consequent pollution that our world is facing. Feeling as though I could be doing more to have a positive impact, I began making changes to my day-to-day lifestyle. What motivated and inclined me to create the business—in the middle of a busy and condensed university program—was the notion that not only would the school community and organization benefit from the sales of the wraps, but also each wrap sold would reduce the amount of single use plastic products being purchased on a regular basis.

Recycling bins in a village in UgandaSales directly benefited my affiliated village school community

By selling my beeswax wrap over a two-month period—from its start-up to my departure for Uganda—I was able to raise and donate $1100 to ASTCF. The organization put the funds towards projects within my affiliated village school community.

Each project was selected for its long-term impact on both the schools members and environment; in particular, the funds were used to purchase a variety of fruit trees to be planted on the school grounds.”

The fruit from the trees will provide the school members with a nutritious and delicious snack for years to come. Along with the fruit trees, recycling and litter-bins were also purchased for each classroom, providing further concrete learning opportunities for students. The litter-bins will greatly reduce the amount of litter ending up on the ground, as well as encourage plastic bottle collection for recycling and profit. I hope to return to Uganda in four years, when the trees will be mature enough to produce fruit.

Making small changes to create big change

The creation of Meg’s Beeswax Wrap, not only has benefited the school community in Uganda, we have also significantly reduced the amount of single use plastic products being purchased on a regular basis. My customers have refused wasteful products and opted for a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative.I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for listening to my story, supporting my endeavors, using my beeswax wrap, and making the change to heal the beautiful planet we are lucky to call home.”

Want to reduce your use of plastic? Get in touch!

I continue to support ASTCF with the continued sales of my handmade, locally sourced beeswax wraps. If you are interested in going plastic free and purchasing some reusable eco-friendly wraps, please visit Meg’s Beeswax Wraps’ Facebook page, follow me on Instagram @megsbeeswaxwrap, or email at