Term Adjunct Positions Available

Term adjuncts with and without benefits are instructors with a limited-term faculty appointment of one term to three years in duration and with a limited range of academic responsibilities (e.g., instruction/evaluation, coordination/administration). 

For questions about the term adjunct postings, please contact: employment.education@queensu.ca.

Application packages, with all required documentation, should be sent to the email address identified in the application section of each job posting.

Bachelor of Education (BEd) Program

CURR 321 Le français, deuxième langue officielle (IS) – 0.5 credit course
Dans ce cours on se penche sur les notions pédagogiques en mettant l'accent sur l'enseignement aux niveaux intermédiaire et terminal. On vise à faire un tour d'horizon complet des connaissances et des applications pratiques dans le but d'amener tous les apprenants à développer leur style d'enseignement propre en adéquation avec la situation actuelle dans le domaine des langues. Une connaissance supérieure du français est nécessaire. Toutefois il y a lieu de parfaire ses connaissances durant l'année pour des corrections d'ordre minimal. Un séjour immersif d'une durée de six mois est recommandé. Les sujets abordés se rapportent aux approches, aux démarches, aux directives du ministère (immersion, approche communicative..., restructuration, intégration, interdisciplinaire...), à la gestion du temps (objectifs, progression, planification, les savoirs, la culture et la littérature, le contrôle des connaissances), à la psychopédagogie (rôles, groupements, procédés et moyens, collaboration), et à la psycholinguistique. De nombreuses applications pratiques individuelles et en groupes sont intégrées au programme. Cours donné en français.

Location: Kingston.

Schedule: Fall September 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.
Approx. Enrolment: 22

BEd Qualifications
Successful intermediate-senior teaching experience preferred. Thorough knowledge of Ontario schools, curricula, and policies. Demonstrated inter-personal skills and teaching ability. Ability to collaborate and work with faculty members, staff, and teacher candidates of diverse backgrounds. Related graduate degree (Ph.D. or M.Ed.) preferred, or equivalent (extensive experience of relevance to the position) may be considered. If applicable, proof that you are a member in good standing with the provincial teacher certification organization (e.g. OCT). Previous successful experience teaching in pre-service teacher education programs will be an asset.

Experience in using onQ/D2L or other online classroom platforms/learning management systems (Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas).  Ability to use the learning management system (onQ/D2L) tools to interact with students.  For example, the ability to participate in classroom discussion boards, grade students’ discussion contributions, grade assignments.  Working knowledge of current online technologies and social media.

Graduate Courses

GDE/PME 833 Supporting Innovative Thinking – 0.5 credit course
Leaders in classroom practice are concerned with the quality of both their own and their students’ thinking. This course provides guided opportunities to investigate and implement newer frameworks for practice, especially those intended to support students in becoming independent and innovative thinkers. Decisions about how learning is structured and managed and how students participate and interact will be considered in light of their potential to propel students’ thinking forward, deeper and in more creative directions.

Location: Asynchronous, online. Note: this is a predeveloped course.

Schedule: September 16, 2024 – November 22, 2024
Approx. Enrolment: 40

GDE/PME 862 Finance and Budgeting in Public Service Sectors – 0.5 credit course
This course introduces students to educational finance and explores how funding reflects values of educational systems. It explores different approaches to budgeting used in organizations (line-item; percentage add-on; zero-based; planning, programming, and evaluation systems; performance-based; school site; outcome-focused; and student-based budgeting) and will include a range of practical activities such as budgeting for different areas (such as human resources, instruction, student activities, infrastructure, transportation).  Participants will use evidence-based decision-making to analyze funding decisions within formal spaces such as schools, and informal spaces such as community organizations.

Location: Asynchronous, online. Note: this is a predeveloped course.

Schedule: September 16, 2024 – November 22, 2024
Approx. Enrolment: 40

EDUC 864 Knowledge Mobilization and Translation – 0.5 credit course
There is an oft-cited gap between research, policy and practice.  A new field of inquiry called knowledge mobilization (KMb) in education and knowledge translation (KT) in other sectors seek to address these gaps by integrating research and data use at multiple levels of the system to improve knowledge uptake.  KMb and KT involve collaboration among diverse stakeholders including (but not limited to) researchers, intermediary organizations, practitioners, policymakers and community members.  This course will focus on theory, research, and practical strategies related to KMb/KT across sectors.

Location: Kingston

Schedule: September 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Approx. Enrolment: 20

PhD in Education preferred. Demonstrated interpersonal and teaching skills, including the ability to collaborate and work with faculty members, staff, and graduate students with diverse backgrounds. If applicable, proof that you are a member in good standing with the provincial teacher certification organization (e.g., OCT). Previous successful experience teaching in graduate education programs will be an asset. 

Experience in using onQ/D2L or other learning management systems (Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas). Ability to use the learning management system (onQ/D2L) tools to interact with students. For example, the ability to participate in classroom discussion boards, grade students’ discussion contributions, grade assignments. Working knowledge of current online technologies and social media.

The person teaching is expected to comply with all Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Education and Queen’s University Policies related to the graduate course in a timely manner.

Application Instructions
Submit applications in one PDF file to employment.education@queensu.ca. 
A complete application consists of: 
a) a cover letter, include at least one paragraph per course you are applying to that explains how you are qualified to teach the course and a statement regarding Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status (e.g., “I am a Canadian citizen / permanent resident of Canada”; OR “I am not a Canadian citizen / permanent resident of Canada”). 
b) a complete and current curriculum vitae (C.V.). If your classroom teaching has occurred within the last 5 years, a reference letter from a school administrator from the last school you taught at, and/or a letter from a board official (e.g., Superintendent from the school district you taught, and the names and contacts of two referees). Alternatively, if your teaching has not been within the past 5 years, please include two letters of reference. 
c) course evaluations and/or teaching assessments should be submitted as part of your teaching dossier. 


The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen’s is strongly committed to employment equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and encourages applications from Black, racialized/visible minority and Indigenous/Aboriginal people, women, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+persons. 


Deadline to apply: Monday, August 12, 2024