Starting Monday, March 10, the main entrance to the Faculty of Education will be closed while Student Street is under construction. The main entrance is scheduled to re-open in late June once the construction on Student Street has concluded.
- The entrance closest to the Faculty of Education Library will remain open throughout Student Street construction. Please note – this entrance is not accessible.
- The North entrance to the B-Wing (the rear entrance to Duncan McArthur Hall) will remain open and is accessible.
- A path that provides access to the education library, gymnasium, washrooms, and the elevator will be maintained throughout construction. This path will consist of an overhead scaffolding protection system to ensure safety while allowing flexibility during construction.
Lunch Space
When construction is in full swing, A343 will be able to be used as a space to eat and will have a microwave available to use. Microwaves will also be available in the following locations:
- in the tech wing
- outside of B217
Throughout the construction on Student Street, an accessible path will remain open to the elevator and the stairs on the east side of the building.
Have questions, concerns or comments about accessibility?
- For ConEd, BEd, DipEd students – contact
- For grad students – contact
- For staff, faculty, and community members – contact
- For QSoE staff – Carly D’Amico
- For ITTP staff – contact