Derek Berg

Associate Professor of Special Education

Graduate Supervisor

Special Education

People Directory Affiliation Category

BAH (Dalhousie), B.Ed. (Mount Saint Vincent), M.Ed., PhD (Queen's)

Associate Professor of Special Education, Graduate Faculty

Research Interests

  • Mathematical cognition
  • Learning disabilities
  • Childhood depression
  • Inclusive education

Recent Publications

Berg, D. H., & Klinger, D. A. (In press). Gender differences in the relationship between academic self-concept and self-reported depressed mood in school children. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research.

Berg, D. H. (2008). Working memory and arithmetic calculation in children: The contributory roles of processing speed, short-term memory, and reading. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 99, 288-308.

Berg, D. H. (2008). Cognitive impairments of children with severe arithmetic difficulties: Cognitive deficit or developmental lag? Exceptionality Education Canada, 18(1), 59-92.

Berg, D. H., Taylor, J., Hutchinson, N. L., Munby, H., Versnel, J., & Chin, P. (2007). Student assessment in exemplary work-based education programs. Journal of Workplace Learning, 19, 209-221.

Berg, D. H. (2007). Bridging moral and ethical polarities in inclusive education. In N. L. Hutchinson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Graduate Students in Education Symposium (pp. 1-22). Kingston, ON.